

  • Reminder: Love is in the Air ends tonight

    Robin Torres
    Robin Torres

    Love is in the Air ends just before midnight server time tonight. Which means that today is your last day to get your Love Fool title and to try for the naughty, naughty Big Love Rocket Mount. This is also your last chance to: Go take a ride on a love boat in Stormwind City or The Undercity. Have a drunken fling with Jeremiah Payson. Gorge yourself on chocolates. Get yourself a Lovely Black Dress. Share a chocolate treat at a romantic picnic with a friend. Warning: sometimes events end a little bit before the time in the calendar, so don't wait until the very last minute to get everything you want done. Please see our Guide to Love is in the Air for all of the activities to do before the holiday ends.

  • Drama Mamas: Love fool

    Robin Torres
    Robin Torres

    Dodge the drama and become that player everyone wants in their group with the Drama Mamas. Lisa Poisso and Robin Torres are real-life mamas and experienced WoW players -- and just as we don't want our precious babies to be the ones kicking and wailing on the floor of checkout lane next to the candy, neither do we want you to become known as That Guy on your server. We're taking your questions at DramaMamas (at) WoW (dot) com. If we used logic when choosing our significant others, there wouldn't be so many good stories, songs, poetry, etc. in this world and throughout history. Sometimes our hearts make good decisions and sometimes... well... sometimes our loved one turns out to be a Drama Queen or That Guy. And while the objects of our affection may have wonderful qualities that outweigh their faults, sometimes our friends are stuck with only the bad stuff. Today we have a story of some friends who wish to accommodate a friend who is a love fool. Dear Drama Mamas, I have an acquaintance in the game I will refer to as "The Guy". The Guy is the real-life boyfriend of another friend in the game who I'll call The Girl. The Girl was a somewhat dedicated raider, The Guy was not. However, in the past few months, The Guy had decided that he finally wanted to try his hand at raiding so he can run with The Girl and do content with her. At her suggestion, he dropped in an application to The Girl's guild explaining that while he was entirely new to the fights, he was willing to learn and would like to run with his significant other and would they give him a trial run maybe? They agreed, and he was given a trial run in 10 man Ulduar, a raid the guild already had on farm.

  • Drop rate of Big Love Rocket not a bug

    Matt Low
    Matt Low

    Some concerns have been expressed recently over the abysmally low drop rate of the Big Love Rocket. The drop rate was thought to be lower than 1-2% and Bornakk chimed in on the forums to confirm it. I'm not much of a big mount fanatic myself. The only rare one I have is the Obsidian Drake mount from Sartharion with 3 Drakes up. Now that I think about it though, I have yet to see anyone in Dalaran ride around with one of these rockets. As it stands, the drop rate of this rocket mount will not be raised anytime in the near future. Heck, even if they did, I know with my luck I would never see one of these. If you're curious, as of today, there have only been 74 players with the Big Love Rocket Feat of Strength across North America and Europe. North America has seen 17 Big Love Rockets compared to the 54 for European players. if you want to read more about drop chance and probability, check out Brian's post about it back in January. It's guaranteed to make your head spin!

  • You may be a Love Fool after all

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    If you played WoW at all during the Love is in the Air holiday event that ran in early February, then you surely heard the moaning about the meta achievement, Fool For Love, which grants the title, Love Fool. Whether you wanted to celebrate this month or not, anyone seeking to complete their long and strange trip and acquire the coveted Violet Proto-Drake, had to be a Fool For Love.One of the requirements was to complete the achievement, Be Mine, which had players running back to old world capital cities, dousing themselves in smelly concoctions, and begging the guards and citizens not to break their hearts. This gave us one chance per hour at obtaining the elusive Bag of Candies that would allow players ten chances to create, ideally, eight unique candies. The drop rate for the bag was so poor and the holiday so short that people begged Blizzard to improve their chances. While the drop rate for the bag was increased at the last minute, many people who put in a superb effort still did not acquire their title. Blizzard has since crunched the numbers, and some great news was handed down by Zarhym that should put everyone's mind at rest. While the Be Mine achievement is not being removed as a requirement for completion of the meta achievement, instead of needing all eight candies, you will only need to have obtained six!Not only that, but you won't have to wait until next year. As of patch 3.1, all you will need to do is login to be granted your achievement, as well as your title, as long as you had made at least six unique candies. Many players would still like to see that particular achievement removed from the meta entirely, but Blizzard stands firm that the point of What a Long, Strange Trip it's Been and its reward is to be something that only a dedicated few will earn each year. They aren't about to make it too easy.If you missed this requirement, will you be getting your title on patch day, or are you still feeling disgruntled?

  • My Buggy Valentine: Problems with Love is in the Air

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    If you've been following WRUP, you probably know by now that I am pretty big on achievements. They're a lot of fun for me, and a good way to set a goal and have a solid in-game marker of how I'm doing on reaching it. Plus, the titles and tabards and mounts and the like you can get from them are a good way to customize your character. However, if there's one thing that'll get me down and make me reconsider my achievement love, it may just be Love Is In the Air. The whole silly thing is just so full of bugs and quirks and annoyances and so based on random chance that there were a couple points along the way that made me feel like throwing up my hands and quitting.

  • Breakfast Topic: Love is in the Air!

    Zach Yonzon
    Zach Yonzon

    The time for loving is finally here! Officially, that is. You can do your love thing any day. On the other hand, today is the start of Love is in the Air, the second world event of the year. If you're looking to get that Achievement, required for the meta-Achievement to get that Violet Proto-drake, the best place to start would be The OverAchiever, where Dan wrote up a handy guide to becoming a Love Fool.Now that we all have an excuse to act like fools for love, I have to ask -- what's the most foolish thing you've done for love in-game? I know one guildie who's been busily farming the various drake pets and the Disgusting Oozling to give to his lady love in time for the season. The cheesiest I ever got was when my wife and I took off to have a nice picnic on one of the floating isles in Nagrand, complete with roses, picnic baskets, and formal wear. I don't have a lot of money in-game, so all the extravagant gifts come from my wife instead. This time, though, I think I'm going to bake her a Delicious Chocolate Cake and maybe a Bouquet of Black Roses. I know, I'm sort of cheap and uncreative, but hey, I'd love to hear some suggestions! I can probably pick up some Achievements along the way, and I could always use some reputation gains with my wife, after all... Love is in the Air and on WoW Insider. Check out our continuing coverage of the event and our guide to earning the achievement. And you better hurry; the holiday only lasts five days!