

  •'s Guide to the Oculus. Yes, really.

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    Really, A guide to the Oculus of all things? Over a year after the launch of Wrath of the Lich King, you're doing an Oculus walkthrough? Is that necessary? Boy, I wish it weren't. We're all sick of hearing about this place by now, but of all the instances and raids in the game, this is the one where nobody seems to be sure what to do or where to go. I haven't seen players this confused since Sunwell. All strategy and ability discussion in this guide discuss the heroic version of the Oculus. Beyond the cut below you will find simple strategies for each of the bosses in the Oculus, as well as maps to help you find your way through the environment.

  • One Boss Leaves: Xevozz buffets Mage-Lord Urom

    Lisa Poisso
    Lisa Poisso

    Two Bosses Enter ... but only One Boss Leaves, in WoW Insider's series of fantasy death matches. This season's bosses come from the five-man instances of Wrath of the Lich King. Mage-Lord Urom (the Oculus) found himself buffeted right off the playing field in a tightly contested match against Xevozz of the Violet Hold. Xevozz and his Ethereal Spheres dogged the Mage-Lord from platform to platform, dropping him despite Urom's horde of minions and evasive ways.Reader opinion was fairly close on this deathmatch. Siaperas gave props to the Mage-Lord's efforts. "While I think Xevozz is much cooler than the mage lord, I'd have to give this battle to the Mage-Lord," he explained. "My impression of Xevozz is that he's so overconfident, he walks towards his opponents, and the way we've always beaten him was by kiting him. The Mage-Lord is a master at kiting. The entire fight is him kiting the player. Xevozz will kill the adds, but slowly it'll wear him down, and the Mage-Lord is much too mobile for him in a stand alone fight. Sure, Xevozz could try to teleport the Mage-Lord into his spheres, but the Mage-Lord is just going to teleport back out."

  • Two Bosses Enter: Mage-Lord Urom vs. Xevozz

    Lisa Poisso
    Lisa Poisso

    Two Bosses Enter ... but only One Boss Leaves, in WoW Insider's series of fantasy death matches. This season's bosses come from the five-man instances of Wrath of the Lich King.Here's an annoying pair who deserve each other: Mage-Lord Urom of the Oculus versus Xevozz of the Violet Hold. Yes, I admit it -- when my husband IMs me from his office in frustration over the latest twist in corporate politics, I take a certain twisted pleasure in replying, "No worries – I just sent Xevozz and his stupid spheres up against Urom the bloody platform-hopper." Ahhh ... Takes the edge right off.So let's start with the ground rules. Assume that these foes share similar levels, health pools and a comparative overall damage output. Of course, we'll allow Xevozz to be able to "follow" Urom from platform to platform (we'll leave the details to your imagination). Don't get caught up in game mechanics and what actual players might do in each encounter. Focus your debate on the three S's -- Style, Story and Scale – and consider the flavor each villain brings to bear. What do you think would happen during this battle? Leave your comment explaining what happens, and cast your vote for who you think blows up who.

  • Raid Rx: 5 Heroics to help toughen your healers

    Matt Low
    Matt Low

    Raid Rx has returned from retirement! Every week, Raid Rx will help you quarterback your healers to victory! Your host is Matt Low, the grand poobah of World of Matticus and a founder of PlusHeal, a new healing community for all restorative classes. This week we look at which heroic encounters will help strengthen your new healers and why! A question I get asked from healers is how can I prepare myself for raiding? On the other side of the spectrum, guild leaders ask me how can they judge or measure a healer in other areas other than healing output. Let's knock out two birds with one well timed stone.