

  • The Patch 3.2.2 Warlock bug clearout

    Dominic Hobbs
    Dominic Hobbs

    Patch 3.2.2 has brought some new, or rather updated, content and seemingly a few initial performance issues for many. There's the usual smattering of class and item changes you would expect of a minor patch. You have to look pretty hard to find anything about Warlocks though. Every other class has its own little section detailing the tweaks and tunings of their class or even specs but what about us? True, it does go some way to bolstering our megalomaniacal nature -- we're just too good to mess with, let these 'other' classes change instead. I had to look all the way down to the bug fixes before I even saw the word 'Warlock'. So what has been fixed?

  • Arcane Barrage nerfed stealthily

    Christian Belt
    Christian Belt

    For about five shining minutes, Mages were over-powered. Arcane Mages, to be precise. Or so everyone tells me. All I know is that for the first time in a long time, I felt the kind of power I always assumed Mages were meant to wield.Patch 3.0.9 has brought Arcane Mages back down to earth, though, and only some of the bad stuff was actually in the patch notes. You see, along with the incredibly clunky and obtuse changes to Arcane Power and Presence of Mind (effectively ending PoM-Pyro specs as we knew them), and the nerf to Slow, this briefly mighty spec has also received a bonus undocumented nerf to our signature spell: Arcane Barrage.After a whole lot of us noticed we simply weren't doing the same damage post-patch that we were pre-patch, the official forums lit up with Mages contending that Arcane Barrage simply wasn't packing the punch it used to. Though the tooltip hadn't changed, the damage had fallen off considerably. Last night, Eyonix responded with a post explaining the change and letting us know that its effects would be monitored. I always thought the PTR was a good place to monitor changes, but what do I know?Before we discuss this any further, let me just put it up front that I'm setting the over-under on "QQ MOAR" comments following this post at 45. I'm taking the over.