

  • Marvel Universe Online: how would it have worked?

    Akela Talamasca
    Akela Talamasca

    Here's a question I haven't heard anyone ask. I'm a dyed-in-the-wool Marvel Comics geek; I know what both MODOK and AIM stand for; I remember Wolverine from when he wore those silly little eye-wings and whiskers on his mask; heck, I recall Nick Fury heading up the Howling Commandos. So I was pretty excited to hear about the Marvel Universe MMO. I had fantasies of playing as my favorite character (Adam Warlock, in case anyone's interested) until I realized that the game couldn't possibly work that way.Think on it for a second: how many players would want to be Gambit, or the Hulk, or the Punisher? If even just two people, then there's a problem with identity. Even if you were to get around the problem with a suffix, i.e., Punisher213, then the brand has been diluted, and it no longer means anything. So, how would this MMO have worked?

  • Warhammer Online's January video of the month contains RvR greatness

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    The new Warhammer Online video of the month for January is out (introduced by the lovable Paul Barnett) and it's chocked-full of great RvR footage. Not only do we get to see all the races battling it out in the video, but if you watch closely you'll see your first glimpses of the Chaos Marauder class (limb mutations, woo!). You'll also be treated to giant axe-wielding Dwarves and plenty of spellcasting. That's not to mention that there is one very big squig in the video, too. We also really have got to give it up for the High Elf Swordmasters -- they just look cool looking with their big swords swinging around. Warhammer Online looks like it should deliver some really fun PvP and RvR battles in all sorts of different locales. When some of the battles in the video looked like they were taking place in capital cities, a certain anxious-yet-excited feeling definitely overcame us. Now, hopefully -- and according to EA Mythic -- the PvE game will be just as strong as the RvR/PvP side.