

  • PlanetSide vs. PlanetSide 2: The key differences

    Beau Hindman
    Beau Hindman

    If you're a PlanetSide player who has been around since the beginning, I don't need to explain the differences between the original and its follow-up, PlanetSide 2. But if you're an old-school player who has never touched the second version, a new-school player who's never played the original, or a player who's brand-new to the universe completely, then this article about the PlanetSide duo and what sets the two games apart is for you. The first and most important difference is each game's population. I am not exaggerating when I say that the original PlanetSide is today merely a shell of its former self. I tried on several occasions to find a fight to join and was only once able to locate a tiny battle in one small corner of the world. That's something to keep in mind if you give the elder game a deeper look.

  • Free for All: Playing the eternal noob

    Beau Hindman
    Beau Hindman

    As I just finished up my Age of Wushu livestream with Massively's own Patrick Mackey and Age of Wushu Community Manager Earthquake last night, I realize once again that most people do not look at MMO gaming as I do. Of course, I am basing this only on my existence as an island of a person, someone who spends most of his time soloing through content and generally getting lost in one game after another, after another and another. Patrick is a lively personality who is what players would call a min-maxer. A theory-crafter. He is someone who takes hold of a game and learns it backward and forward, something I can only wish I could do. Not only do I not have the mental ability to sit still that long (and no, that's not an attempt at bragging about the size of my brain), but I physically cannot read that much text or spend more than several hours online without taking a break for fear of a days-destroying migraine. This physical inability to study up came well after my already-established love for virtual travel, however. I am an explorer of virtual worlds, an occupation that does not permit sitting at one stop for long. But this hurts me as a player. I realize this and accept it.

  • SOE 'harasses' players with a massive PlanetSide 2 patch

    Beau Hindman
    Beau Hindman

    If SOE was going for the Award for Largest Patch Notes in Recent Memory, it just might have achieved it with its recent update to PlanetSide 2. Just for the sake of journalismistic investigationism, we did a rough count and discovered over 3600 words in the official post. And it's not just a patch about a few bugs and bits of tweaking; there's a new vehicle in town called the Harasser. According to its description, the Harasser is a "speedy armored assault buggy that plays a dual role as both a transport and strike vehicle." It also carries three units: the passenger (who can be a MAX unit), a driver, and a gunner. We imagine it running up, guns blazin', dropping a heavy and tearing away to pick up another. Brilliant! Among the changes is a tweak to certifications for the Lightning, the best small tank in the world of PlanetSide 2. But we might be a tad biased. Check out the game for free on the official site.

  • First impressions of PlanetSide 2 through the eyes of an FPS noob

    Larry Everett
    Larry Everett

    Rather than give anyone the wrong impression, let me begin by saying that first-person shooters are far from being my thing. I don't pant in anticipation for the latest Battlefield or Modern Warfare game. I do, however, like my share of third-person shooters. Global Agenda and the Mass Effect series come to mind immediately. So what in the world would make someone like me interested in Sony Online Entertainment's latest craze, PlanetSide 2? RPGs are my thing, and I have always had respect for SOE as a developer. Despite some obvious mistakes the company's made when under the umbrella of large intellectual properties like DC Comics and Star Wars, SOE has handled its own IPs very well. It was also one of the first Western AAA studios to step into the world of free-to-play (with Free Realms, which continues to perform well). And now PlanetSide 2 proclaims that online FPS titles can not only provide exciting vehicle combat but do so in a persistent world. So when SOE invited Massively to join Game Designer Margaret Krohn on a guided tour of PlanetSide 2, I thought, "Why not? At least I'll get to shoot some people in the face."

  • The Firing Line: Epic SOE memories on PlanetSide's ninth anniversary

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    So PlanetSide is nine years old this week (nine!), and Sony Online Entertainment is journeying down memory lane to look back at its ground-breaking MMOFPS. The firm is of course hard at work on the sequel, but some of the devs have taken a time-out to share their favorite memories with us. Though the word "epic" is overused in MMO discourse, it's a recurring theme here. Due to the size, scope, and sheer ambition on display in the original PlanetSide, it's actually appropriate too. While you're reminiscing with the devs, take a stroll through our side-by-side gallery that compares vehicles and equipment from the original PlanetSide with their counterparts in PlanetSide 2. %Gallery-156171%

  • Free Realms releases January Ask a Dev video

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    Free Realms has released its January Ask a Dev video, and it's another fun one. Game Designer Margaret Krohn and Lead Character Artist Matt Case are back to answer more questions from Free Realms players, this time with a slightly more personal angle added. They began by talking about some of the new Marketplace and Coin Shop items coming up, including housing items, pets, and clothing. Matt and Margaret both hinted at new housing locations and decorating items in the future, so we'll be keeping an eye out for those. The video explored a different series of questions next, starting with "How was your holiday break?", and then spending some time exploring the things that Matt and Margaret like the most in game, what they've been having fun with in Free Realms, and their favorite things about working for Sony Online Entertainment. Follow along after the jump to take a look at the video for yourself!