

  • Dungeon Mastery: Shado-pan Monastery

    Matt Low
    Matt Low

    Kun-Lai Summit is host to the Shado-pan Monastery. In Mists of Pandaria, you'll undoubtedly get a chance to experience and help rid the instance of Sha influence. Megan and I decided to check the place out and see what the deal is. We teamed up before when she carried me kindly tanked for me in the Stormstout Brewery. Like last time, I healed on my holy priest, Megan tanked on her druid, and we were accompanied with two hunters and an enhancement shaman. Your group needs to be at minimum level 87 in order to queue. The video above is a little under 50 minutes long. We would've been able to move quicker if I hadn't been in combat all the time. Yeesh. Even the Matticus needs a drink from time to time. Gu Cloudstrike Cloudstrike is the first boss your group will challenge. You'll run into Cloudstrike outside on a plateau just as you leave the first chamber. It's a three-phase encounter involving Cloudstrike and a flying serpent.