

  • Final Fantasy XI's May version update is on its way

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    You there! Are you ready for Final Fantasy XI's May version update? Are you ready for all of it? Do you know everything that's in it? Because there's a lot of stuff in there, as listed in the patch notes and as revealed in the official trailer just past the break. Sure, you could probably guess at the inclusion of new Seekers of Adoulin missions and more high-level battlefields, but there's a lot more in there. For example, new alter egos are being added to the Trust system, including everyone's favorite limit break questgiver, Maat. Adventuring fellows get a level cap bump to 99, new Abyssea objectives are being introduced, new Job Point categories are being added... heck, there's even new food in place that can affect your pet. That's a lot of good stuff. Maybe you should watch the trailer past the break, read the patch notes, and get ready for the full update to go live on May 15th.

  • The Mog Log: Grounded

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    After last week's column, I mentioned that I was pretty energized to give some of Final Fantasy XI's other additions a try. Chief among them, naturally, was the addition of Grounds of Valor, which is essentially Fields of Valor with special sauce. Said special sauce is a stacking buff for each successful regime completed, meaning that staying in one zone and working your way through training regimes is even more rewarding than it was before. Well... in theory, anyhow. Rather than just subsisting on the basis of theory, I decided it was high time for Rhio to continue in the experimental process she had engaged in long ago. So after donning a Destrier Beret and making sure she had her fair supply of grotesquely powerful anniversary rings, I set out into the wilds to try my hands at the new grounds system. The results were... well, I'd like to say they were surprising, but mostly they were just a reminder of a universal truth about Final Fantasy XI.

  • The Mog Log: A tour for May

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    In times past, I've generally discussed the various update tours of Final Fantasy XI separate from this column. This time around, I'm trying something different because I got to take the May version update for a spin not so long ago and there's some interesting stuff to discuss that came out of that tour, stuff I wouldn't really be discussing normally as my Vana'diel-endgame-fu is pretty weak at the moment. So that's the preamble for this week; if you really don't like this way of doing things, let me know and I'll not do it again. Cool? Cool. The May version update, as regular readers may recall, was an update with a roadmap that left some questions in my head. Is revitalizing Dynamis really a worthy goal? Will Voidwatch be enough to tide over players? How will everything balance out? Why can't I transform into a baby chocobo at will? So getting a chance to see the content firsthand was enlightening, both for the questions that it did wind up answering and the questions that it didn't.

  • Final Fantasy XI launches May version update

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    The version updates for Final Fantasy XI have always packed a great deal of content, and this month's patch is no exception. The May version update is now live, and it carries with it new battle styles, new content, and more updates for the venerable game. Centerpieces for this particular update include the new Voidwatch battles, new Grounds of Valor for players inside dungeons such as Garlaige Citadel, and new improvements to make Dynamis more relevant once again. Aside from those updates, players are seeing several new battlefields added for battles with notorious monsters. There are also new synergy recipes to add augments to existing equipment, revised experience penalties for low-level characters, and a variety of job improvements. Not to mention a significant improvement to quality of life for storage, mailing, and general transportation. Final Fantasy XI players will have to wait through the usual download time, but given the content awaiting the patient, we think it should be well worth the wait.