

  • 10 commandments of Mac optimization

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Jason Swadley of let us know about his posting of the Ten Commandments of Mac Optimization (I especially enjoyed the HotWp1 joke). The list is an interesting one, because it's a good mix of actual software tips, and what you might call mindset suggestions. On the practical tips side, Swadley recommends apps like Onyx and AppFresh, to keep your Mac running so fresh and so clean clean. I agree, too, with his tip about periodically taking stock of installed apps, and pruning the tree, so to speak. Like him, I tend to download and try out lots of stuff, and so it's worth it, maybe once every two weeks, to run back through the Applications folder and clear out (with AppZapper, of course) what I'm not using anymore.But Swadley's other tips are for a much more holistic form of Mac optimization. He talks about removing peripherals that aren't used, buying every piece of software you find useful, and even not coveting your neighbor's Mac (because upgrading your own older machine might be more optimal than carting around a brand new release that you won't use half of).I like it-- it's definitely a more widespread version of these kinds of lists than I'm normally used to, and all the tips are certainly good ones, even if you've heard them all before.