

  • My most memorable experience in-game

    Sarah Pine
    Sarah Pine

    You know, I thought this question would be a lot easier to answer than it turned out. After six years of playing this game, I thought surely there would be an obvious stand-out moment, but as I sat down to write this post, I realized that wasn't exactly true. Lest you think I'm implying that I've experienced nothing memorable in WoW, rest assured, that isn't the case. It's more that I have the opposite problem: I've experienced too much that is memorable. I've had some really great times in this game, and it's turned out to be nigh impossible to point to one and say, "That's it, that was my most memorable moment." Instead, I've come up with a list of things that keep coming to mind whenever I think about the topic. They are in no particular order: 1. Killing Nathanos Blightcaller Nathanos Blightcaller was, in ye olden days, a (potentially) 40-person outdoor raid boss for the Alliance. He was also a quest giver NPC for Horde, so attacking him flagged you for PvP. Considering both of these things, you can imagine how difficult it could be for Alliance raids to actually down him, especially on high-population servers.

  • Ryan Shwayder revives MMO lessons series

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Former 38 Studios designer Ryan Shwayder is using his time off to work on his personal blog and share his perspective as a developer. He's revived a series from years ago called MMO Lessons, adding the 37th and 38th entries over the past two days. His 37th lesson is to create memorable moments. "It is impossible to make every adventure in your game memorable, exciting, and unique," Shwayder writes. "But you can create incredible moments for your players and purposefully distribute them throughout the experience so players experience highs as they play the game." Shwayder also defends kill quests but says that they usually need context or a twist to keep them fresh and fun: "Kill quests get a bad rap, but there's nothing inherently wrong with them."

  • Massively Exclusive: Elsword developer Q&A, final round

    Matt Daniel
    Matt Daniel

    That's right, Elsword fans, it's time for the final installment of the ongoing Elsword dev diaries. This last episode includes only a lone pair of questions, both of which focus on the developers' favorite things about the game -- particularly, their favorite bosses and best and worst moments while playing the game. What boss would the developers most like to see as a playable character? What have been the best and worst moments in their Elsword gaming career? For the developers' answers to these questions, including a rather amusing anecdote regarding having one's face smashed in by an elementary school kid, head on past the cut.