

  • Allods Online has a few good mercs for hire

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Allods Online: New Horizons is, well, on the near horizon, and gPotato is shining a spotlight on the expansion's star pupils. In a new dev diary, the mercenary system is dangled right like a plump morsel in front of a starving crowd. Mercenaries work in a similar fashion to those in other MMOs. Players who are struggling to put together a full group for challenging content can hire one of these hard-working soldiers of war. Allods will give players their first mercenary contract for free, but subsequent ones cost in-game currency. Mercs last for two hours and are under control of the player who hired them. The mercenary roster includes Rowdy Brow, a tank; Matron Lighthand, a healer; Stormer the Fierce, a melee warrior; Casper Flinty, a ranged damage dealer; Lisa de Vevre, a buffer/debuffer; and Michael Grammar, a ranged spellcaster. New Horizons is on course to launch early this month. In the meanwhile, may we interest you in an exclusive interview with one of the devs?

  • New video showcases EverQuest II: Age of Discovery's mercenary system

    Matt Daniel
    Matt Daniel

    In the new promotional trailer for EverQuest II's Age of Discovery expansion, poor Gnoob the gnaked Gnome just can't win. Maybe if he were smart enough to spell his name properly, he might not get mauled by the same wolf over and over. After learning that maybe a naked Gnome isn't quite suited to square off against a hungry wolf, Gnoob takes it upon himself to hire an Ogre mercenary (though you'd think if he could afford a mercenary, he could afford some clothes), but even that doesn't go quite right. It just goes to show you that the mercenary system, coming to EverQuest II with Age of Discovery, should be used with discretion. For the full video, follow on past the cut.

  • Grimwell takes a look at Atlantica Online

    Seraphina Brennan
    Seraphina Brennan

    Atlantica Online is one of those MMOs that people always seem to talk about, but never really get fully in-depth with. Insight into the game recently came from an unexpected source: Craig "Grimwell" Dalrymple, a noted MMO blogger and senior community relations manager for Sony Online Entertainment. Craig just recently spoke up about the turn-based MMO, relating his experiences and gripes with the game on his blog.For him, the strong points of Atlantica are the turn-based combat (as it allows PvP to be a bit more tactical rather than a fast paced gankfest,) the mercenary system (which is different from the NPC system of Guild Wars, as you actually build up your mercenaries like second or third characters,) and the crafting system (which features both the ability to craft any item in the game and learn crafting skills from other players rather than NPCs.) The game's swift advancement seems to also be in Grimwell's liking, as he's hit 61 out of the 120 levels since he's begun playing in October. For the rest of his experiences with Atlantica, including his two gripes with the game, check out his blog post on the matter.