

  • Metal Gear Retrospective: Part Four slithers back to the '60s

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    GameTrailers continues its Metal Gear Retrospective by going over the events of Metal Gear Solid 3 and what went down in the jungle with Naked Snake back in the '60s. The back end of the retrospective episode covers the events of MGS: Portable Ops., which occurred six years after MGS3. For those who didn't play, it's a good chance to fill in the back story of Naked Solid Liquid Geriatric Snake before Metal Gear Solid 4 releases next week.If you're looking for more, don't forget to check out the other three episodes in the retrospective. You can also learn more about what it's actually like to replay the MGS series by checking out our dear Mr. Kietzmann's b[ack]log.

  • Metal Gear Retrospective: Part Two sneaks into the PS1 era

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    The second installment of the Metal Gear Retrospective from the masters of recollection over at GameTrailers recently dropped, bringing with it a flood of joyous, espionage-flavored memories from our youth. The games featured in this edition are centered around Kojima's only exploit on Sony's seminal home console, Metal Gear Solid -- that includes the GameCube remake, and the bizarre VR Missions standalone game. Pull up a chair, plug the controller into the second port, and let the warm waves of nostalgia wash over you as you relive the events that transpired at Shadow Moses.

  • Gametrailers begins Metal Gear retrospective

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    We've really been enjoying Gametrailers' well-researched and engaging Star Wars retrospective, so we were happy to see this morning that they had turned their attention to everyone's favorite sneaky soldier with their Metal Gear retrospective. The first episode, seen above, covers Metal Gear, Snake's Revenge and MG2: Solid Snake.It's a good way to refresh before Metal Gear Solid 4, but we hope the narrator is prepared for when he has to start recapping Metal Gear Solid plots. (Exploded brain washes out of microphones, right?)