

  • World's tiniest video camera helps doctors see inside of you

    Michael Gorman
    Michael Gorman

    The thought of an endoscope entering any orifice is an unpleasant one, even if it's so your doctor can diagnose what ails you. Good thing Medigus made the world's smallest video camera so those medical probes are a little less painful. It's .99mm in diameter -- making it a smidge smaller than previous peewee endoscopes -- and packs a .66mm x .66mm CMOS sensor to deliver video of your insides at 45,000 pixels worth of resolution. Best of all, the devices are disposable, so clean-up's a breeze. A reusable version is also available, but given where these things go, we're just fine with them being one use only. PR's after the break.

  • Researchers create microscopic disposable camera to see up in your guts

    Christopher Trout
    Christopher Trout

    It's true, a team of researchers have created a one-cubic-millimeter throwaway camera, and if they have their way, it could be peeking inside you in the next year. The new tiny shooters, which sport a 250 x 250 pixel resolution, are created using a streamlined process in which the lens and sensor wafers are affixed before being cut into a series of 28,000 little cameras -- eliminating the need to mount and wire each one individually. This new mode of production cuts back on cost significantly, allowing physicians to throw away the little guys after routing around in your intestines. According to the camera's creators, their diminutive invention could make its way into your doctor's office as early as 2012.