

  • Partygoers ponder the highs and lows of Microsoft's press briefing

    Xav de Matos
    Xav de Matos

    Last night, at a media event for Xbox Canada, we took a few minutes to grab reactions from community sites about Microsoft's Pre-E3 press briefing. Unsurprisingly, many of the responses we received when we asked enthusiast blogs about the announcements the topic eventually led to Project Natal. Sure, the tech looks impressive but will it deliver ... but the major question? Why couldn't we sneak a peak at the upcoming sequels to Assassin's Creed and BioShock? Now it's your turn, what were your high and low points to Microsoft's opening press briefing?

  • Behold, the MS E3 08 press briefing Passport

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Part of the fun of E3 is giving our readers an not only the latest and greatest gaming news, but also an inside look at the convention itself. You might consider this the first such story. We just received our "Passports" for the Microsoft E3 press briefing set to take place on July 14. For what amounts to a press pass, the thing is pretty elaborate as is the package in which it was delivered. Let's open it together, shall we?