

  • Modder builds homebrew version of Minecraft on DS

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    We've long held the opinion that the only thing standing between our world and its inevitable ruin is the creation of a portable version of Mojang's remarkably addictive Minecraft. We're still waiting on the Xperia Play to bring about said apocalypse, but it seems a Nintendo DS modder by the name of Smelaum has beaten Sony to the punch, releasing a demo of a homebrew application aptly titled Minecraft DS. The software, which is demonstrated in the video above, is fairly basic: Players can only add or remove blocks, and cannot save their towering megastructures. Smelaum hopes to bolster the homebrew with saving and terrain generation -- hopefully those features will be implemented before Smelaum is incapacitated by Notch's shadowy cabal of trademark lawyers. (We're kidding, of course; those clearly don't exist.)