

  • Meet Pantheon's undead minotaurs and be gored by them

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    You know the saying: You can't keep a good berzerking minotaur down. And in the multiverse of Pantheon, you won't have to. In a Pantheon dev blog posted today, the team introduced the Taurokians, giant, fearsome minotaurs plucked from their home planet and put on Terminus to survive: "Their martial prowess originated from their culture that was steeped in brutal warfare and ritualistic dark arts. They learned to master the secrets of steel and iron, forging some of the finest armor and weapons ever wielded on Terminus." While they did fine for a while, their small numbers coupled with a battle gone sour resulted in the Taurokians' extermination. But magic being what it is, the minotaurs came back as hulking undead skeletons looking for more fights.

  • Lost Pages of Taborea: Faction flags

    Jeremy Stratton
    Jeremy Stratton

    I love taking screenshots. There, I said it. Give me endless zones with nooks and crannies to explore around every corner and I'll take screenshots of them. I'm currently sitting at 11.2 Gigs -- just for Runes of Magic. Buildings, landscapes, caves, outfits, weapons, mounts; You name it, and I've probably taken a screenshot of it. Oddly enough, it's the action shots I usually don't try to capture. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy capturing a good light show as my guild face-plants a boss, but the majority of my screenshots folder is overwhelmingly filled with persistent-world shots devoid of player characters. Many of the factions in RoM have unique architecture and flags signifying their peoples. I've dug through the beast I call a screenshot folder and put together a visual trip through the many different ways factions choose to advertise. Did I say there were many? There are. I didn't include every last faction-flag I could find, but I've chosen from some of the more common ones -- and some of my favorites. As you'll see, there are some really great designs that help immerse you in RoM. I love these little attentions to detail that show the effort developers put into designing a world.