

  • The hope for more future five-mans

    Sarah Pine
    Sarah Pine

    A common refrain among casual players this expansion has been the lament for five-man content. Mists of Pandaria hasn't added any new five-man dungeons since it launched, and for fans of that format, it's a bit of a bummer. In fact, Mists of Pandaria marks the first time that Blizzard hasn't added new dungeons post-launch. In classic WoW, Maraudon was added in patch 1.2, and the Dire Maul set in patch 1.3. The Burning Crusade saw Magister's Terrace in patch 2.4, Wrath gained the three Icecrown five-mans in patch 3.3, Cataclysm had Zul'Aman and Zul'Gurub retooled as 5-mans in 4.2, plus the Well of Eternity dungeon suite in 4.3. Yes, if five-mans are your thing, Mists probably has you feeling pretty glum right about now. So maybe the following tweet from Ghostcrawler will cheer you up a bit: @GersenKirth We would like to provide more 5-player dungeons than we were able to do for MoP. - Greg Street (@Ghostcrawler) August 25, 2013 Instead of five-man dungeons, Mists definitely saw a focus on scenarios for casual group content. And while scenarios are fun, if you're a healer or a tank, you're not really necessary for them. I personally would love to see a bit more balance in the future between implementing scenarios and implementing five-mans, so here's to a WoW future where both will shine. What about you? Are you hoping for more five-mains, or could you do without them?

  • Mists of Pandaria: Leveling dungeon guides

    Olivia Grace
    Olivia Grace

    While the continent Pandaria is packed and laggy for Europe's launch, the dungeons seem to be relatively quiet and functional. So if you want your first steps to be lag-free and relatively stressless, the thing to do is to get involved in some dungeons. WoW Insider is here to help. Whether you want an in-depth guide for the expansion's introductory dungeons or a few lighter tips and tricks, we have you covered. Stormstout Brewery Mists of Pandaria leveling bosses in 5 seconds gives you bite-size snippets of information perfect for posting into in-game chat without angering your party. 5 things you need to know about the Stormstout Brewery gives you a little more information Or, clean up the Stormstout Brewery with this complete walkthrough. Temple of the Jade Serpent The same Bosses in 5 seconds article also covers the Temple of the Jade serpent. For the goldilocks of information, there's 5 things you need to know And, again, we've set you up with a complete walkthrough. It's open warfare between Alliance and Horde in Mists of Pandaria, World of Warcraft's next expansion. Jump into five new levels with new talents and class mechanics, try the new monk class, and create a pandaren character to ally with either Horde or Alliance. Look for expansion basics in our Mists FAQ, or dig into our spring press event coverage for more details!

  • No nerfs, no lockouts, no consumable restrictions for Challenge Mode dungeons

    Olivia Grace
    Olivia Grace

    Blizzard's Lead Encounter Designer Ion Hazzikostas, a.k.a. Watcher, has taken to the forums a few times lately, along with Community Manager Zarhym, to provide clarification on Challenge Modes. With all the bad air swirling around Blizzard from certain minority groups within the WoW community about catering to casuals, challenge modes are something they seem very keen to stand firm on. When asked if challenge modes would ever be nerfed, Ion replied as follows: Watcher If at all feasible, we're not going to be adjusting the content itself. Persistent leaderboards are the backbone of the system, and if we make the dungeon easier, then your 14:13 time last week might actually be more impressive than my 14:05 clear today, but there would be no way of knowing that. It's conceivable that we might adjust the actual Gold/Silver/Bronze cutoff times slightly if it turns out we were badly off the mark with the tuning, but we're pretty confident in our numbers. source Zarhym also weighed in with his own input on the nerf question.

  • Mists of Pandaria leveling dungeon bosses in 5 seconds

    Olivia Grace
    Olivia Grace

    The new Mists of Pandaria leveling dungeons are brilliant -- they really are, a great mixture of fun and fear, of straightforward bosses and panic-inducing fights. But if you're on the beta now, trying to push through these dungeons, you might not want wordy explanations of just exactly where to stand, what to hit and what to interrupt. Your teammates certainly might not like them and will probably have pulled the boss before you're done typing your ninth message explaining the finer details of boss abilities. Certainly by the time these dungeons hit live servers, you're going to encounter a bunch of players who don't have a clue about the basic strategies. Nobody likes to wait around and read the dungeon journal to try to work out how to deal with abilities. So here we are with some very, very short, and only slightly sweet guides to explain the bosses in five seconds. Of course, we also provide full walk-through guides for these dungeons, and for the goldilocks group that doesn't want guides too detailed or too brief, we have the 5 things you need to know guides, which give you just enough knowledge to be dangerous. So, it should be obvious from the 5-second rule that these guides are not in-depth, not comprehensive, and might not be enough information for tanks and healers particularly. But they're fast and eminently copy-able into in-game chat without risking too much ire from your cohorts. Let's get started.