

  • Wrath Dailies: Planning for the Future

    Adam Holisky
    Adam Holisky

    In the daily quest "Planning for the Future" you need to help maintain the balance of life with the Wolvar near Moa'ki Harbor. The Kalu'ak are afraid they're going to kill too many Wolvar, so you're going to ensure they live on and steal some young Snowfall Glade Pups.The quest itself isn't too complicated, but it can be a royal pain if more than one other person is doing it at the same time you are.Quest Giver: Trapper Mau'i, Moa'ki Harbor, Southern DragonblightReputation: Kalu'akReward: 500 rep & 4.86g at level 80Minimum Level: 71Required Chain: None!Read on after the break for our walkthrough of the quest, complete with a few tricks you can do to get it done quickly and easily.

  • Wrath 101: Getting from Borean Tundra to Howling Fjord and vice versa

    Matt Low
    Matt Low

    One of the questions frequently asked is which zone will you be leveling in first? A large majority of players will pick Borean Tundra or Howling Fjord. Why not both? Not to worry, there's a far easier way of getting from the Tundra to the Fjord and back again. You don't necessarily have to go back to your capital city zones and then transfer to a different zeppelin or boat. Our new walrusian friends the Tuskarr will be supplying the main modes of transportation with really big turtles. Those Goblin turtle mounts are no match for these behemoths. These carrot powered turtles will shuttle players from Borean Tundra to Dragonblight where they can then hop off and switch turtles in order to resume their journey to Howling Fjord. Don't worry, trips are free. Note that all of the Tuskarr ports have flight paths for both factions for easy access to and from.