

  • The Daily Quest: Of gemming, Bloodlust and MoonkinTV

    Dan O'Halloran
    Dan O'Halloran

    Moonkin Raiding Basics 101 from Amanda d on Vimeo. The Daily Quest brings you interesting, informative and entertaining WoW-related links from around the blogosphere. There are quite a few good explanations of the gear stats raiding Moonkin should pay attention to, but Foofy of Foofy's CupCake Factory made her guide an instructional video (see above). And she promises more to come! The Rawrbitchrawr blog continues to pump out great Ulduar info. This time with a video of mounted combat from the Argent Tournament event. The Righteous Defense Paladin blog has a great article on gemming for Protection Paladins. The Hunter's Mark (written by our very own WoW Insider Hunter columnist Larissa) also has a new gemming guide for Hunters. Honor's Code posts a set of gear Protection Paladins can get for the DPS off-spec if they choose to go that route when dual specs arrive in Patch 3.1. Forever A Noob continues his Naxx-10 guides for Rogues. His newest one focuses on Thaddius. Blessing of Kings demystifies the math behind when to fire off Shaman Bloodlust in a raid presented in this Elitist Jerks' thread (warning: algebra!)