

  • Breakfast Topic: Guild remotivation

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Today's topic comes from Nicole over on the WoW LJ -- she asks how you "remotivate" a guild that has lost its way in raid progression. Seems like exactly the kind of thing you might see in one of Scott's great Officers' Quarters columns, but we can tackle it here, too. So what do you do when Nightbane is giving your guild a nightmare? My personal preference is to tackle some content you can handle, whether that be running through the old world raids just for fun, or, more likely, trying to take down some of the overworld bosses. Of course, if you're stuck on Midnight and Attumen, there's not much more raid content to go back to seriously. But if you're having trouble on a boss that early, odds are you need better gear anyway -- wipe on Attumen a few times, and then split the raid into groups and go run some heroics. Always have an extra option planned for your raids, too, because there's no need to bang your head on a boss you can't beat -- even if you just wipe on Gruul once, you've gotten that experience. Then take your raid back to Karazhan for more practice and more gear. Eventually you'll hit a point where people want to keep trying (because you'll be so close), and then guild progression is on. But while that's a solid tactic, it's not the only one -- I've seen guild leaders run social activities, declare "bounties" on bosses or instances, and even offer to pay repairs just to try a raid boss out for a night. How do you bring a guild that's lost its game back into the raiding gauntlet?

  • WRUP: Complete lack of motivation edition

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Maybe this week was extremely tough for us, or perhaps we're just imagining things, but we can't think of anything better to do than to crawl into bed and sleep forever. For some odd reason, we don't even have the desire to play any games. It's like pushing buttons and the like are too much work for us in our current state. Maybe we should just down a pot of coffee or something.But, just because we're feeling that way doesn't mean you all are. Of course, it's the weekend and that means it's time to rejoice! With games! And, what games would you plan on celebrating another week down the drain with? Any of them going to be new releases?

  • DS Daily: Why do you play?

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    We've asked you a lot of things -- sometimes some very silly things -- but there's one thing that we're still a little curious about. Why do you game? It's one of those questions that can be hard to answer, like, "why is water wet?" and "how did Bob Barker refrain from aging for so long?" But give it some thought, and try to let us know what it is about this hobby that keeps you coming back. Is it just nice to have something to do with your hands that also engages your brain? Do you play to relax? To, uh, stay tense? Just because it's fun? Dig deep and see what you can come up with.

  • Guild version 2.1.0

    Amanda Rivera
    Amanda Rivera

    Last night, in honor of today's patch, my guild leader restructured our guild. We've been having some tough times with motivation as of late, it the general consensus amongst the officers was that the guild members felt no progression as the guild was organized. We therefore sat down as a group in the Wildhammer Stronghold inn and took stock of what we had available. A lot of great ideas came up, and one of them was what we implemented last night. The guild ranks are now focused around the Burning Crusade attunements, and each member receives a rank for which of the raid levels he is ready for. Although only a few of us (read one) are ready for Karazhan, the ranking system includes readiness for Black Temple. Yes, we are setting our sights high, but it's time to think big. If you don't have high expectations, how can anyone meet them? As we were finishing up the planning of the new guild structure, I began to wonder about what other guilds do as far as ranks are concerned. In all my time playing World of Warcraft I have only been in one guild, so I can't use my experience to satiate my curiosity. Instead, I'll use yours. How are your guilds organized? What challenges do you face in keeping guilds motivated, and how do you tackle those challenges?