

  • Last call! Joystiq needs your Movember donations

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Perhaps you've heard, but the Joystiq crew is gathering donations for Movember, which uses the power of moustaches to raise awareness and money for men's health issues like prostate cancer. Throughout November, brave editors have been growing and sporting moustaches, much to the chagrin of their friends and loved ones. As you may have noticed, today is the last day of November, meaning we're shaving these puppies off at the stroke of midnight. But wait! There's still time to send in donations, which go toward men's health programs and make Joystiq look good in the industry-wide gaming challenge. We've already raised nearly $2,000! Can you push us over the edge? Would a bizarre YouTube video help sweeten the deal? Fine. Just look up! Once you're done 'staching out, head over to Joystiq's Movember page and donate. Don't just do it for men's health, do it for our wives and girlfriends, who have endured a month of moustache-driven hardship.

  • Welcome to Movember, our Mo Bros and Sistas

    Ben Gilbert
    Ben Gilbert

    As the days grow colder, so does the hair on many of our staff's faces grow longer. Such is the case with a sedentary group like us. So when we found out about a chance to combine our proclivity for facial hair growth with raising money for charities like LIVESTRONG and the Prostate Cancer Foundation, we simply couldn't resist. And thus: Movember. Today, we shave clean our faces, and prepare for the coming weeks of moustache growth, care, and coiffe. We hope that over the next 30 days, you'll join Team Joystiq's Movember group -- the "Joystiq Mo Brigade" -- and assist in our month-long effort to raise both awareness and funds for some great organizations. As the weeks go on, we'll be giving regular updates via Twitter and Facebook, and of course highlighting participants who go the extra mile. Will you be that extra mile goer? We hope! But hey, maybe it's kilometers where you live? That's okay, you can totally join as well (and be the extra kilometer goer, obviously). Donations are all handled through an easy website, so you won't have to handle any processing yourselves! Also, you get to grow a totally sweet moustache, which we heartily encourage you to share with us. Ladies are of course welcome as well, though the moustache growing part is entirely up to your discretion. Supporting your "Mo Bros" in their month of facial hair shame is well beyond adequate participation. On a final note, we'd like to point out that Team Joystiq is competing in a cross-game industry challenge particular to Movember, which includes press, developers, publishers, and lots of other folks. If donating for donations' sake just isn't enough, know this: donating will also assist in our continued domination. Excelsior!

  • Flip offers moustachio'd cameras for Movember

    Donald Melanson
    Donald Melanson

    Sure, different color options and various designer patterns are all well and good, but what gadgets really need more of is moustaches. Thankfully, Flip has now stepped in to fill that void with no less than eleven different moustache designs for the month of Movember. Available on the Flip UltraHD, MinoHD and SlideHD (and in various capacities), the moustachio'd offerings include handsome options like The Professor and The Auteur (pictured above) and, best of all, Flip will donate $10 from each purchase to the Movember Foundation, which raises funds and awareness for men's health. Hit up the source link below to check out all the options available, and to place your order if you find one that suits your style.