

  • Bluehole Studio details new TERA itemization tweaks

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    It's been awhile since we've heard any newsworthy tidbits from TERA's Korean testing phase, and TERAfans has come to the rescue with a new article translation detailing itemization and fusion enchantment tweaks. Mr. Blue, community manager for Bluehole Studio details a plethora of loot item additions, as well as a new equipment rank system (normal, rare, or legendary). In addition to providing players with a quick way to gauge the worth of a loot drop, the new system also adds extra stats to the more desirable pieces (one, two, and three extra stats for each successive rank). The article also touches on fusion enchantment, crafting tweaks, and visual equipment variation. Check out all the details, including renders and screen captures from the Korean client, at TERAfans.

  • Bluehole CM addresses TERA player feedback

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Bluehole Studio Community Manager Mr. Blue has responded to tester feedback regarding the Korean beta version of the upcoming TERA MMORPG. The question and answer session, translated by Meiellink and Locien of TeraFans, touches on a lengthy list of player concerns including a lack of character and skill differentiation, a reliance on repeatable quests, difficult solo play, and a lack of unique hunting zones. "A complete renewal of the hunting zones, including the ones in Arun continent which players have visited is already planned. This doesn't just encompass the variety of monsters, placement, paths, topography and buildings, but also things such as quest types, quest lines and the placement of solo and party quests. We're going to take these factors and others into account as we measure the level of completion of the renewed zones one at a time," Mr. Blue says. Check out the full article over at TeraFans.

  • Reservoir Dogs coming to Blu-ray this fall

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    This is an odd pick for the format considering the treatment of the character Mr. Blue, but Reservoir Dogs will be making the jump to Blu-ray at the same time the 15th anniversary edition is released October 24th. Director Quentin Tarantino's 1991 Sundance hit and cult favorite will be released by Lionsgate on standard DVD in the Gas Can Edition with loads of extras including 6.1 DTS-ES and 5.1 Dolby Surround audio tracks plus loads of featurettes, other than the soundtracks and requisite 1080p transfer the details of the Blu-ray release are unknown.