

  • Some Assembly Required: Issue #4 -- Making music in LotRO

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Music to my ears. The Sound of Music. It ain't over 'til the fat lady (er, Dwarf) sings. Time to face the music. Pay the piper. There is no way around it -- music is such an integral part of our lives and culture that there is almost no way to take a step without its influence showing in some part of our lives, be it an idiom, a movie, a popular catchphrase, or even just a tune stuck in our heads that we cannot escape. Music is so woven into the thread of our beings that it is surprising that more music cannot be found in the world of MMOs. Luckily for us, one world has embraced this connection to music and made it an involved part of the game. Unlike any other games, Lord of the Rings Online has moved beyond just adding a background score and a few canned clips of music to the game. In fact, it has introduced an entire system allowing players to not only play a variety of instruments in the game but compose original pieces and play together in bands as well. The musically inclined can either play live or convert popular music into ABC files, and the not-so-inclined can use said files files to play right along with their friends. When it comes to harnessing creativity, the music system in LotRO tops the charts. Want to see how you too can strike up the band and show off your creative prowess with the lute, the theorbo, the clarinet, or even the cowbell? Tune in past the cut for Some Assembly Required's look at the music industry in LotRO.

  • Comprehensive music guide helps you rock out in LotRO

    William Dobson
    William Dobson

    You may have been playing a bunch of Guitar Hero III or Rock Band recently, and be a little upset that when playing other games no one realizes what a rock god you are. Well, for players of Lord of the Rings Online, this excellent music guide will get you on your way to importing your musical prowess to the MMO scene.The guide includes information on getting started with LotRO's music system, and then proceeds to teach the scores to some well-known tunes, with most being filed under a difficulty rating. Those with rock-withdrawal will find songs like Metallica's Fade to Black and Guns 'N Roses' Sweet Child O' Mine, but there are other cool choices like the themes from Zelda and Mario, and even the Beverly Hills Cop theme Axel F. I will anxiously await the first Man, Dwarf, Hobbit or Elf to bust out Through the Fire and Flames on a lute -- coming to a tavern near you![via Lotro-life]