music videos


  • L70ETC music video contest winners announced

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    Back in April, Blizzard announced a contest to direct your own music video in machinima form to accompany Level 70 Elite Tauren Chieftain's new song Rogues Do It From Behind. Three Grand Prize Winners would get an 8GB iPod Touch and five First Place winners would get a G15 Logitech keyboard and a signed copy of the World of Warcraft Battlechest.They've just announced the winners, and you can see all of the winning videos on the official WoW website. I have to say, I don't find most of the winners particularly interesting. They're quality videos, and probably exactly what Blizzard was looking for in a L70ETC music video, but they're not really my style. I tend to enjoy the music videos that are a little more... out there, and don't just show the band members' faces for five minutes. Something happening throughout, with a little less glam or random filler shots. Dayetriper of Nathrezim has a little of that at the very end, but you need to sit through almost the whole thing before seeing it. That's only my personal taste, though. The quality on most of these videos is still very good. After all, they won the thing, and I really couldn't do any better I'm sure.I enjoyed the video from Naje of Stormreaver, out of all of the glam-filled winners. The scenery and camera work pulled me into the video a little more than the others. You can view that one directly above, or head over to the official page to see them all.[ Thanks to MMO-Champ for the vimeo upload! ]

  • The Ataris music video contest: Vote for winners!

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    If you don't recall Blizzard and's The Ataris music video contest, I can't blame you -- originally announced at the beginning of May, Blizzard's site hasn't served as much of a reminder since it opened. However, the entry period for the contest has now closed, but now you have a chance to pick the winner by checking out the finalists and voting for the best ones. All of the machinima are well-made and have their own unique interpretation of the music -- and if you're interested in cool machinima, they're all worth a watch. Good luck to the finalists!

  • The Ataris music video contest begins!

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Blizzard,, and The Ataris are sponsoring a new machinima contest for all of the machinima-makers wanting to show off their talent. Your task, if you choose to accept it, is simple: Create a music video using World of Warcraft footage and music from The Ataris. Submit your video any time between May 1st and June 5th. ... Profit! (By walking away with a new NVIDIA graphics card.) Sound interesting? Check out the official rules and get started!

  • Lumines website updates, showcases more music videos

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    The Lumines II website has entered Phase II. In this stage, it will develop chrysalis around its body, to protect itself during metamorphosis. It will also showcase music videos in the new Video Hub section. Artists you can preview include the Black Eyed Peas, Fatboy Slim, Beck, The Go! Team, The Chemical Brothers, and more.Lumines II flutters to store shelves on November 7th.

  • GameTap now $9.95/month; GameTap TV announced

    Dan Choi
    Dan Choi

    PC subscription gaming service GameTap has dropped its monthly fee from $14.95 to $9.95 and announced a GameTap TV expansion that will offer "a new broadband video streaming network" for games- and non-games-related programming.The GameTap TV feature will include separate channels dedicated to music videos, network game previews, GT TV-exclusive content, and "even an animation channel set to go live this spring that will feature an original series of animated shorts."We don't know where Space Ghost fits into all these broadband network plans, but we're sure that it can't be good. The cost-cutting measure by the TBS-owned venture are important in light of all the digital-download announcements made by the big console manufacturers recently, but it's hard to tell whether the $5 drop in monthly fees will greatly increase the number of current PC subscribers. Anyone gonna jump in on this?See also: What is GameTap? [Official page where the inset image was found] GameTap to offer previews, trailers GameTap: Turner's games-on-demand site is live