

  • My Little Pony Online put out to pasture

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    OK, so maybe the game wasn't really too old (it had only been live for a month), but Hasbro's cease-and-desist order definitely sent My Little Pony Online into retirement. Of course, this action came as no surprise; back when we first reported on the project, we noted that legal troubles were likely, as the endeavor was not backed by the official copyright holder of the popular ponies. But all is not lost for fans who want to continue their adventures with ponies -- it just won't be My Little ones. In the same announcement where they revealed the demise of the game (while deflecting blame away from Hasbro), MLP:O creators divulged that they are sticking together and are all set to work on another pony-inspired project. Under the name Starlight Studios, the group hopes to have the new project ready in time for Bronycon 2013.