

  • Japan's PlayStation Network offering PC Engine games

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    The Japanese PlayStation Store features a ridiculously huge selection of old PlayStation games, especially compared to the paltry selection on the American store. Now, it's getting old games that weren't even on the PlayStation, in what appears to be a tentative step toward a Sony Virtual Console.Sony announced that four PC Engine (Turbografx-16) games will be available on the Store today: Bomberman '94, New Adventure Island, Sengoku Mahjong, and Devil's Crush, each for 600 yen, roughly the same price these games command on the Wii's Virtual Console.The PC Engine Game Archives will be playable on PSP and PS3, which means we'll be able to take Devil's Crush on the go for the first time since the TurboExpress -- thus elevating the PSP to the best system since the TurboExpress.

  • Hudson interviews the real-life Master Higgins

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Takahashi Meijin ("Master Takahashi") is the nickname of a longtime Hudson employee named Toshiyuki Takahashi, who became famous in Japan for his ability to tap buttons really, really quickly -- up to 16 times a second. This amazing power lent itself to videogames, naturally.After making a few TV appearances, and becoming a Hudson mascot of sorts (along with that adorable bee), he lent his appearance to videogames, too. Specifically, the Adventure Island games, which were called Takahashi Meijin no Boukenjima ("Takahashi Meijin's Adventure Island") in Japan. When you play New Adventure Island on the Virtual Console-- which you should do, as soon as possible-- you're playing as a grass-skirted Takahashi Meijin.Hudson's US branch has posted an interview with this legendary figure, which is not only interesting for the novelty of being an interview with a videogame character, but because he really knows his stuff about Hudson and their history. We can't wait until they post an interview with Air Zonk.

  • VC Friday: Puffballs and bikes

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    Sure, so you could pick up Excite Truck this week if you're in Europe ... or you could save a few quid and go old school with Excitebike on the Virtual Console! Sorry, sorry ... we just loved us some Excitebike back in the day, and we get a little extra bouncy when we have an excuse to talk about it. If jumping blocky hills isn't your thing, there's a lot more to choose from this week: Excitebike (NES) -- 500 points Kirby's Adventure (NES) -- 500 points New Adventure Island (TurboGrafx) -- 600 points R-Type III: The Third Lightning (SNES) -- 800 points Any of these rev your motor?