

  • Cataclysm Beta: Cataclysm will bring troll and dwarf warlocks

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    If you've been thinking about rolling one of the new class/race combinations, but haven't really been impressed by the ones they announced a ways back, you may be in luck. Lead systems designer Ghostcrawler has confirmed that troll and dwarf warlocks will be coming with Cataclysm. There's no word yet on the lore behind this change, but between Zalazane on the troll side and the Dark Irons on the dwarf side, it seems likely there's good enough reason to unlock the class. Now if only we could get them to give us Worgen paladins, we'd really be cooking. Stay tuned to, there's more juicy Cataclysm info to come.

  • New race/class combos will not be live before Cataclysm

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    In a very short answer, the devs confirmed in the recent Twitter developer chat that the new race and class combinations will not go live until Cataclysm itself goes live. In a way, this isn't too much a surprise. Despite some rumors to the contrary, we didn't get death knights until the first day of Wrath, and we had to wait for Burning Crusade to play draenei and blood elves. So with that in mind, it makes sense that we have to wait until the last possible moment for yet another new breed of player characters. That said, it is probably true that the new race/class combinations are a bit different from the examples above. After all, they simply take existing races and existing classes and put them together, so it might seem that it wouldn't be too hard to just turn them on.

  • Arcane Brilliance: What Cataclysm will mean to Mages, part 1

    Christian Belt
    Christian Belt

    Welcome to another installment of Arcane Brilliance, the weekly Mage column that serves up piping hot Mage content, with a steaming side of inappropriate humor, a light sprinkling of random 80's pop culture references, and just a dash of incompetent attempts at math. Speaking of math, last week was awesome, guys. I was apparently so wrong it took 111 comments for you to decide exactly why and how stupid I am. The effort and the display of raw number-mastery you guys displayed made me proud to be one of you. You guys make me feel like the dumbest kid in class, being forced to do math problems at the chalkboard in front of everybody, and I couldn't be happier about it. So, like many of you, I've been stuck here at home for the duration of BlizzCon. My day-job (what I like to refer to as my "what I do when I'm not being a Mage") has kept me here in sunny Las Vegas instead of in sunny Anaheim, and so I find myself at my computer, dividing my time between writing this column and furiously hitting the refresh button on my browser, hanging on every word my co-bloggers serve up from the convention floor. I wish I'd been able to make the reader meet-up this year, but that was not meant to be. I wanted to meet all of you, stammer like a dork while trying to say hello to Felica Day, and possibly get jumped by a gang of angry Warlocks while I screamed "Ice Block! Ice Block! Iiiiiice Bllloooccckkk!" at the top of my lungs. I will be there next year, with my level 85 Goblin Mage in tow, even if it kills me. I'm really having difficulty processing all of the information out there, and the vast, universal, and sweeping impact it will have on everything about this virtual world we play in, and I'm sure I'm not alone. Guild leveling? Mastery system? Southshore... taken by the Horde? My mind is leaking from my ears. I'm not even kidding; it's gross. But the purposes of today's column will be to try and make some preliminary sense of this massive glut of newness, and apply it to the only class I care about: Mages. What will the new (old?) content mean for those of us who wander the current, relatively un-sundered Azeroth, conjuring portals and pastries? Read on for my initial impressions.

  • A discussion in defense of new race/class combinations

    Michael Sacco
    Michael Sacco

    There's been a lot of news about possible new features arriving with the upcoming Cataclysm expansion. I covered one of those recently, that being the possibility of new race/class combinations, ones that were previously unavailable to player characters.Now, this feature would actually make a ton of sense, especially taking the following into consideration: - We've had the same 9 classes available for going on 5 years now.- With new races being added in Cataclysm, there's almost certainly no hero class.- It's quite likely that the new races will be unable to be Death Knights, at least at first.- The leaked information from MMO-Champion suggests that Azeroth is getting a makeover, graphically and design-wise.- The Paid Faction Switch service is coming soon, and adding these new combinations would bring almost 100% parity between factions in terms of classes available.- Blizzard has been tossing quests that hint at these new combinations into the past few patches and onto the PTR.But of course, the WoW community is a fickle beast, and what they seem to be focusing on here tends not to be the gameplay benefits of adding new race/class combinations, but the "lore-breaking" aspects of said combinations.Well, I don't think any of these are unreasonable, and in fact many of them have precedents in lore. To make the discussion more interesting, I've brought in my lore-hound colleague Daniel Whitcomb, and we'll expound on each new possible option to give you clear reasons why they're not only plausible, but likely. On top of that, I'm bringing in our class columnists to give their insight on the new choices and explain their pros and cons in terms of gameplay!Let's start, shall we?