

  • Chaos Theory: The Secret World shaken, not stirred

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    For all those who've been trying so hard to predict gloom and doom for The Secret World, I say Nyeh nyeh because the April producer's letter announcing Issue #7 pretty much flies in the face of all your it's-gonna-die whimperings. In fact, I can't believe we still hear them because TSW just keeps getting better and better. Where's the duct tape when you need it... While it's true we don't have monthly updates anymore (and that's totally understandable, given the restructuring that devs certainly couldn't predict), Secret World fans are still getting frequent, and more importantly extremely fun, updates. Just look at The Vanishing of Tyler Freeborn and The Last Train to Cairo; both of these issues brought interesting new storylines and a decent helping of new features. Some even say these updates introduced the best content so far. With that track record, who can't help but be totally psyched for the upcoming Issue #7?

  • The Secret World's Issue #7 goes 007

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    April's Game Director letter for The Secret World is hot off the presses, and in it Joel Bylos shared some juicy morsels about the next issue in store for the horror and conspiracy-laced game. He revealed that whereas Issue #6 was spiced with an Indiana Jones flavor, Issue #7 will be sprinkled with a distinct 007 zest. Yes, Bond. James Bond. Set in Transylvania, Issue #7 directs players to investigate the presence of the werewolves in the area, which ultimately leads them to an Orochi facility secreted away below a glacier in the Carpathian Fangs. Along the way, players get to experience adventures as a secret agent, complete with daring chases (a snowmobile one at that!), dare-devil jumps from exploding bridges, and close shaves with laser beams near sensitive areas. There's also a new auxiliary weapon to brandish -- the flamethrower. But the new goodies don't stop there. Bylos introduced a new feature that allows for custom streaming of radio stations or playlists directly into the client as well as a some PvP changes including tweaks to the matchmaking system. He concluded with some teasers about Black Ops and Issue #8. For all the details, check out the full letter.

  • The Secret World's Issue #6 launches tomorrow [Updated]

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Folks who don't prowl around on the likes of Twitter may have missed out on a juicy little tidbit -- namely, that The Secret World's next update is coming tomorrow, March 14th. At 8:00 a.m. EDT, servers will go down for a scheduled three-hour maintenance, at which time Issue #6 The Last Train to Cairo will be patched in. Once the content is live, players will be able to add a whip to their weapon collection, dive into the new PvP ranking system, and revel in all the other assorted goodies coming their way. Previous announcements have noted that paid subscribers will get to access the content before others can purchase the DLC in the store, putting the launch for free players on Saturday the 16th Sunday the 17th. [Update: Funcom announced members will have a three day headstart instead of two; the launcher notes non-subscribers will be able to buy the DLC at 10:00 a.m EDT on the 17th]

  • Chaos Theory: TSW's whips and trains and vet rewards -- oh yes!

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    It was a pretty close vote there at the end, with folks rallying to their factions, but the Templars ultimately won out. I have to say, I am kinda pleased with the result. It's not that I was rooting for any one faction over the others; I was quite sincere in requesting direction in my The Secret World adventures. It's just that with Issue #6 The Last Train to Cairo coming out, my Templar is my only character in Egypt and in the perfect position to partake in all the new stuff. And am I excited for the new stuff! Among the new missions, the veteran reward system, and the PvP ranking, my all-time favorite weapon is coming to game. Squeee! Join me in eagerly anticipating these new adventures and offering the devs a round of applause.

  • The Secret World's Last Train to Cairo pulls into the station this March

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    While Funcom's recent restructuring and relocation put the brakes on The Secret World's content release schedule, it wasn't totally derailed. In fact, the next content update will be hitting servers sooner than many expected; Issue # 6 The Last Train to Cairo is scheduled to go live in the beginning of March. While no exact date has been given yet, paid members will get two days of early access to the content. What awaits denizens of The Secret World in this latest issue? A new storyline, a new foe (of raid proportions), the new veteran reward system, PvP ranking, and a new auxiliary weapon are all a part of this update. A new recruitment system will also be implemented, granting points equal to one month of membership for every new recruit. In an effort to contain the evil spreading through the sands of Egypt, players will delve deeper into the past of the desert land by actually traveling back in time to uncover powerful artifacts. Remember that petrified undead arms dealer, Said? Tap into his wisdom for advice on working against the cultists and their dark prophet Abdel Daoud. And last but certainly not least, fight atop a speeding train to Cairo with the newest auxiliary weapon, the whip, in true Indiana Jones style.

  • The Secret World Issue #5 is live

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    With the end of the world hitting the planet on Friday, The Secret World's fifth monthly update could obviously only be enjoyed if it hit servers before then, right? So good news -- Issue #5 is live right now! So you can right hop in and help one of Solomon Island's denizens avoid meeting her end with bad hair and find out what really happened to Tyler Freeborn. Along with the usual assortment of new missions and investigations, this update adds a third auxiliary weapon (the quantum bracers), allows players to assign inventory items to hotkeys, opens a new nightclub in London, and makes all investigation missions repeatable. Want to see what's in store come Friday when the End of Days special event starts? Get a glimpse of the Harbingers themselves in the Issue #5 preview video after the cut.

  • The Secret World Issue #4 hitting servers November 15 [Updated]

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Anyone trying to log into The Secret World at 7:00 a.m EST tomorrow, November 15th, will find the game offline. At this time, Issue #4 Big Trouble in the Big Apple will be added to the game. After the server downtime (which is expected to be three hours), folks will be able to log in and experience TSW's first ever raid taking place on the streets of NYC as well as stage plays for other players in London's Albion Theatre. Other additions to this fourth monthly update include changes in PvP and a new chainsaw weapon. [Update: Devs posted an update noting they forgot to mention one little thing: "So, that announcement is also supposed to say clearly in big letters: BUT THE NEW YORK RAID WILL REMAIN LOCKED UNTIL FINAL TESTING IS COMPLETE."]