

  • Felicia Day says The Guild comic is coming in Spring 2010

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Felicia Day told us back at BlizzCon that she was going to go undercover for a little while as The Guild's latest season wrapped up, but undercover for this woman seems to mean that she's only in two TV shows and prepping for a comic book release. She showed up in last night's Lie to Me episode, singing, and in this interview over at Newsarama from the Video Game Awards with Sandeep Parikh (who himself just showed up in Tiki Bar TV -- slightly NSFW, language) she says she's still working on the unfortunately canceled Dollhouse as well. So that's where Eliza Dushku got her addiction from. She also says that the Dark Horse published Guild comic book is due out in spring of next year -- Jim Rugg is working on the art right now -- and fans of The Guild may even get a little Christmas present from the show and Microsoft. We'll keep an eye out for that for sure. So even though we're in between seasons (and we assume that season 4 is upcoming next year, even though we haven't heard an official announcement on that yet), there's lots of Guild goodness to go around.

  • First issue of Dead Space comic free to read online

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Newsarama, Image Comics, EA and everyone else involved with producing the Dead Space comic have banded together in agreement to offer the series' first issue to Dead Space fanboys for FREE. Digitally though, of course. You can view the entire first issue of the Dead Space comic series over at Newsarama, flip through its digital pages and take in all $2.99 worth of content. But, you know, for free. Free things are always good. [Via Joystiq]

  • Read first issue of Dead Space comic online ... legally

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    Image Comics and Newsarama have made the first issue of the Dead Space comic book available to read online. The story in the six-part series takes place prior to the events of the video game on the USG Ishimura. Some finer details of the game might be spoiled by reading the comic, but those who've finished the game will get more backstory without having to read Ishimura crew logs. The comic series was originally released earlier this year and is also available now in a collected hardcover edition. If you want to know more of our thoughts about Dead Space, be sure to check out our "Game of the Year" post about this "strategic dismemberment" thriller.[Via Big Download]

  • Geoff Johns revealed as writer for DC Universe Online

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    How do you make DC Universe Online with Jim Lee in charge of the art direction even more exciting for comic fans? You bring Geoff Johns on as writer for the game's backstory. Geoff is the man responsible for one of the best runs on The Flash, his envisioning of Green Lantern: Rebirth and the highly engaging cooperative effort that was 52. Basically, if you're a fan of DC comics and haven't bothered with them for a while, you should really check his stuff out.According to the Newsarama interview with Geoff, he's only responsible for writing the general state of the world, its characters and the whole story behind why all these new superheroes (that'd be us) are suddenly cropping up everywhere. Beyond that, nothing has been confirmed, although he did say it'd be possible to come back to write more stuff. In that regard, Geoff also says the game will be set more or less within the current DCU at the time of launch. Players can expect to see story arcs both new and old -- or something like them -- to eventually show their faces. If DC comics fans were only a little excited before this is a reason to start smiling, or maybe even do a fist-pump. Go ahead, we won't look.[Thanks, Haggs]