

  • UK public hungry for cookie games

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    We're taking this story with a grain of salt and a tall glass of milk. According to a press release from Data Design Interactive, two of their four budget Wii titles "already sold out within 3 days of release." Which two games sold out was not specified, but the four released were Ninjabread Man, Billy the Wizard, Anubis II, and Rock & Roll Adventure.We're going to assume that Ninjabread Man was one of the sellouts, because we kind of want to buy it. The identity of the other one pretty much doesn't matter. But this development leads to two obvious questions: Why would people who know better (this stuff was already released on PS2) go in for the same kind of punishment again? How many copies of each game were in the shipment? Four? Five? Nice to have evidence that third party games can sell on the Wii, we suppose.[Via NeoGAF]

  • With success comes the flood

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    Remember when Data Design Interactive was going to port a "few" titles to the Wii? Apparently, a "few" means "more than thirty." By the end of the year, it looks like we will be rich in clunky, poorly-reviewed budget ports. Thanks, Data Design. And by "thanks," we mean, "gah, why?" Not a single game we've seen announced is new ... and we're not sure we'd want to see a new one if they made it.Don't let the cute look of Ninjabread Man fool you. All signs point to awful.