

  • Bloons expands to include community features, level editor

    John Bardinelli
    John Bardinelli

    NinjaKiwi has just launched an extension of its casual Flash game, Bloons, that adds a dangerously addictive new feature: user-created levels. Bloons World introduces a simple level editor and allows players to create, share, and play original Bloons stages with surprising ease. It's the same monkey-filled, dart-throwing, balloon-popping game as before, now flavored with the creativity of thousands of players. Some of the stages are challenging, while a great many more are, shall we say, completely wackadoo. And if you value the rest of your afternoon, keep away from the "Go Random" button.

  • In the Flash: Bloons

    John Bardinelli
    John Bardinelli

    Every week on In the Flash we sit down with the creator of a free online game to unravel their secret plans of world domination ... and to talk about their game: Combining monkeys, darts, and balloons would normally be a bad idea. But Stephen Harris and his brother Chris, the pair behind Ninja Kiwi, made it happen with the elegantly titled Bloons. Aim the dart and release to see how many balloons you can take out with each toss. The first levels are simple and straightforward, but as you progress new obstacles and power-ups are introduced to add puzzle-like spice to the mix. There's even a Pac-Man cameo! It's one of those games that hooks you early on and won't let go until you've played through your entire lunch break.We recently sat down with both Chris and Stephen and coaxed some information about Ninja Kiwi, Bloons, and Barry Mann. Read on for the full interrogation.