

  • Nordenwatch scenario weekend in Warhammer

    Brooke Pilley
    Brooke Pilley

    Mythic has just announced their first special scenario weekend for Warhammer Online. The Nordenwatch scenario will be available to players across all tiers and will grant a unique title and an additional 10% renown and experience from now until Monday, May 4, 2009 at 8:00AM EDT.Those familiar with Warhammer scenarios will know that Nordenwatch is usually only available to characters in tier 1 (ranks 1-11) and is widely considered one of the best scenarios in the game. Nordenwatch is an island off the coast of Nordland containing a lighthouse, barracks, and lookout fortress. Each of these three locations is capturable and grants points the as you hold it. The zone's terrain and openness make for some truly epic battles.When the teams are evenly matched, it's anyone's game and stealth capture tactics are well rewarded. It's not uncommon to see all manner of RvR in this scenario from zerg rushes to smaller 3-on-3 skirmishes to 1-on-1 action. It will be interesting to see how this scenario plays out in tiers 2 to 4, as players generally get more powerful crowd control abilitites as they rank up. A well-placed knockback at the fortress or lighthouse could result in a long swim back to the action.

  • One Shots: One day my ships will come

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    One of the things many people have remarked on Warhammer Online's launch is the look of water in the game. Perhaps it may seem a small, immaterial thing to some, but creating good-looking water in video games requires a fair amount of work to achieve. Today's One Shots was sent in to us by Skurmish of Karak-Eight-Peaks, who captured this great image while looking out to sea. He notes that it was "just a quick screenie taken on the shores of Nordenwatch. I thought it was a striking shot." It most certainly is, Skurmish. If you're fond of the look of your world, why not show off what you think is awesome about it? We accept screenshots from all MMOs - from small indie studios to huge companies. Just email your screenshot to us at oneshots AT massively DOT com along with your name, the game and location it comes from. We'll do the rest. %Gallery-9798%

  • Massively's WAR Camp: Tier 1 Scenario Guides pt. 3

    William Dobson
    William Dobson

    The last stop on our tour of the Tier 1 scenarios is Nordenwatch. This scenario can be reached from the Nordland and Norsca zones, and is the home turf for the Empire and Chaos races. Similar to the Gates of Ekrund, there is one central objective that both teams will meet up at for an epic clash, almost every time. Our last gallery guide of this series features a closer look at what you can expect to find in Nordenwatch. Do you have a favorite scenario? Is there one that you can't stand and refuse to queue for? Tell us about it in the comments below. To Nordenwatch << Previous page %Gallery-34148%

  • Massively goes to WAR: Guide to the Empire starting zone

    Dan O'Halloran
    Dan O'Halloran

    Looking for a quest guide? You won't need it for Warhammer Online. The game holds your hand through every quest through a combination of in-game quest tracking, map marking and recording your every step in the Tome of Knowledge. How about a leveling guide? You won't need one of those either. Run through quests, PvP and hit the Public Quests and before you know it, you're on to the next tier of content.What we offer you here today is a look at the points of interest in the Empire starting zone. From character creation to major quest hubs to Public Quest locations to the first Open RvR area, we have a bird's eye view of where you will be spending the first 8 levels of your fledging adventurer's life. Click to Begin >> %Gallery-31881%