

  • Significant changes to Northrend flying mounts discovered on the Patch 3.2 PTR [Updated]

    Adam Holisky
    Adam Holisky

    A little surprise on the Patch 3.2 PTR was discovered this evening. The Cold Weather Flying training, which previously had to be purchased for each character that wanted to fly in Northrend is now available as a Bind on Account book purchasable at the exotic mounts vendor in Dalaran.The Use text is a little odd in that it notes the "tome is consumed when read." To me that means that the book is only a one use thing, which is a departure from current BoA items. And why have a level 68 requirement on this and not the normal Cold Weather Flying training? If you're 68 you're likely to be able to get to Dalaran anyways these days.But wait Did you see it? You might have missed it.It shows level 68 being the required level, not level 77.