

  • Visualized: Planters gifts Mr. Peanut with a new biodiesel-fueled ride

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    While you may not realize it, Mr. Peanut's been cruising around in the same ride for decades. Maybe even centuries. Regardless of the specifics, one thing has become abundantly clear to the higher-ups at Planters -- dude needs a new ride, STAT. As the story goes, 2011 will be the year that the Nutmobile sees a much-needed revamp, with the refreshed model to be based around a 2011 Isuzu NPR diesel truck. Inside of the crunchy shell, it's been outfitted with five percent biodiesel, a smattering of solar panels and a wind turbine, not to mention a bank of batteries. Sickening as it may seem, Mr. Peanut will be murdering a few of his own just to get down the street, with "a small amount" of peanut oil being mixed in with a number of other vegetable and cooking oils. So much for that happy-go-lucky front, huh?

  • Acorn MP3 player is for nuts only

    Laura June Dziuban
    Laura June Dziuban

    You may ask yourself, "what is the point of an acorn-shaped DAP"? Well, stop asking and just bask in the glory of its zaniness! Why not, right? It's teeny, cute, it's got 1GB of memory, and it comes with its own USB cable! Couldn't be simpler than that. Shell out $21 bucks for this little guy, strap it to your cell phone, and head for the great outdoors -- a beautiful placid lake for some camping, perhaps. Sky's the limit!