

  • Know Your Lore: 5 remarkable relationships from Warcraft lore

    Matthew Rossi
    Matthew Rossi

    The World of Warcraft is an expansive universe. You're playing the game, you're fighting the bosses, you know the how -- but do you know the why? Each week, Matthew Rossi and Anne Stickney make sure you Know Your Lore by covering the history of the story behind World of Warcraft. Last week, we talked about the orcs' history and culture before the dawn of the Horde period. Now, if you've read Christie Golden's Rise of the Horde (and if not, you should), then you know the outline of what came next. We're going to talk about that more next week, but this week, I wanted to touch upon something else. What's interesting to me is how the story of the Horde's creation, which is certainly a grand and sweeping tale of betrayals, madness, and ultimately despair, is also a story of how two orcs met, fell in love, and pledged to each other despite the chaos of the dawning nightmare of Gul'dan's Horde. In light of Nyorloth's post discussing favorite relationships in Warcraft lore, it's hard not to think about Draka, daughter of Zuura and Kelkar, and Durotan, son of Geyah and Garad. Their lives would be spent as witnesses to the end of one way of life and the birth of a darker, more terrible chapter than their people had ever known. This got me thinking about my favorite relationships in the game. These aren't all romantic ones. There are friendships, familial relationships, even enmity. Hating someone still counts as a relationship, after all, if you relate to one another.

  • New Blizzard forum personality to focus on lore and story

    Mathew McCurley
    Mathew McCurley

    Last night, Bashiok had the grand duty of announcing that the newest addition to the official World of Warcraft forums team was not a community manager but rather Blizzard story development employee Nyorloth. The decision to bring on a lore-specific representative onto the forums shows a marked change in community communication for Blizzard. Instead of having CDev Q&A sessions and sporadic lore discussion, Nyorloth will be on hand to focus the story discussion, answer questions, pose topics, and more. Nyorloth has even gleefully accepted the role of resident scapegoat, so be sure to be nice, kids. Creative development has rarely had a presence on the forums, and I can't wait to see the discussions Nyorloth gets to participate in. Bashiok's original introduction of Nyorloth is so good that you need to hit the jump to read it, as well as Nyorloth's own interpretation of his new job and function. Let's all give Nyorloth a big WoW Insider welcome.