

  • Xbox Live Indie Gems: Corrupted

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Crowded as it is with farting massage simulators, it can be hard to find worthwhile titles on Xbox Live Indie Games. That's why we sift through all that rough to unearth a few gems. That way, you get the skinny on quality games and we get to indulge our secret passion for fart machines. This week, we spend some time with OnlyLuck Interactive's hack-and-slasher, Corrupted. At first glance, Corrupted appears to be no more complex than most twin-stick action affairs. Players are quickly surrounded by enemies that must be dispatched. Naturally, this is done by pointing the right analog stick in their general direction. The base formula is one we've seen many times, especially in the downloadable space. Play a bit longer, however, and you'll find an experience that much deeper.