

  • Nosgoth announces all-access double XP weekend

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    If you've been eyeing Nosgoth from the sidelines and waiting for the day that you could play the game, good news! That day is this week. Specifically, August 7th. The game is kicking off an all-access weekend for potential players starting on Thursday and running through August 10th, allowing anyone who wants in a chance to jump into the game for free and smash some humans or vampires, depending on your preference. Veteran players still get something extra out of the weekend, with double XP activated the whole time so that everyone can advance that much faster. So whether you've never played the game before or just haven't leveled a particular set of classes yet, you can get a boost through Sunday. You'll also get an exclusive in-game badge for participation. The game's open beta is scheduled to begin this winter, so this will be the first chance in a while for players to get in and see whether they like the game. [Source: Square-Enix press release]

  • The Secret World will open to everyone during one-month celebration next weekend

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Besides answering questions from viewers while hoofing it around London and Kingsmouth, the developers of The Secret World revealed this tasty tidbit during the official livestream that just wrapped up: TSW will be open for anyone to play next weekend. To mark the one-month anniversary, Funcom will be hosting events, giving players fireworks to set off, and offering rewards for completing a set series of missions. But more than that, gamers interested in checking out the game will be able to log in for the weekend and experience it for themselves. Players will be able to use accounts created for beta even if they did not purchase the game; those who don't have an account can make one in order to participate. The devs promised that more details would be forthcoming. If you've been waiting for a chance to delve into the conspiracies of The Secret World and see what all of the hullabaloo is about, mark your calendar. And we'll keep you informed as more details are released! [Source: The Secret World official livestream]