

  • One Boss Leaves: Mal'ganis chops Ormorok

    Lisa Poisso
    Lisa Poisso

    Two Bosses Enter ... but only One Boss Leaves, in WoW.com's series of fantasy death matches. Welcome to Round Two of the five-man Wrath of the Lich King season. Grab a seat, and let's get ready to rumble! With a decisive 63 percent of the vote, Mal'ganis made firewood of Ormorok the Tree-Shaper in this week's Two Bosses Enter deathmatch. The matchup demonstrated the division between the two camps who vote in this series: those who base their decisions more on lore, and those who base their decisions more on the bosses and their mechanics as they are presented in the match itself. "Even though Mal'ganis' abilities pose much less of a threat than Ormorok's do in this case ... I couldn't vote against him, because he's Mal'ganis," confessed andrewlnagy. "Lore-wise, I just don't think he'd lose." Tridus countered, "How so? In lore, there's no fight he actually wins. He's a commander and a manipulator, not a direct fighter. Forced to fight directly, he's never actually won a battle anywhere in lore. He has lost several, though. This 'Oh, in lore, I'm sure he'd win' stuff isn't grounded in any actual lore. :P" "Mal'Ganis had to be killed the first time with the most powerful weapon in Azeroth," noted BlazingSky. "Ormorok was killed by five guys with mundane equipment. I'm going to have to go with a character that, while he is the evil version of brave Sir Robin, still required a runeblade to put him down semi-permanently."Should "having lore" be an advantage in these fights? Does a boss' history dictate how he will react in today's deathmatches? Must these matches rely solely on abilities as set forth in each match? We suspect the best solution to these questions lies in blending these perspectives. We'll leave it to our readers to show us how they balance the mix through their votes.

  • Two Bosses Enter: Mal'Ganis vs. Ormorok the Tree-Shaper

    Lisa Poisso
    Lisa Poisso

    Two Bosses Enter ... but only One Boss Leaves, in WoW.com's series of fantasy death matches. Welcome to Round Two of the five-man Wrath of the Lich King season. Grab a seat, and let's get ready to rumble! The second bracket of our Two Bosses Enter, One Boss Leaves battles begins with an unusual matchup: Mal'ganis (The Culling of Stratholme) versus Ormorok the Tree-Shaper (The Nexus). We're not quite sure what you lore fans are going to do with this one -- but we're ready to hear what you've got in the comments. Even if you don't have a scenario in mind, be sure to click through and vote for who you think should move forward into the next bracket.Before we get too deep into this week's battle, we'd like to thank the readers who commented about our lineup last week on our Bracket 2 listing. We've decided to take your votes to bring back any three of your favorite losing underdogs for the next bracket. We'll do that at the end of this bracket. Now -- let's get ready to rumble!

  • One Boss Leaves: Meathook gets spiked

    Lisa Poisso
    Lisa Poisso

    Two Bosses Enter ... but only One Boss Leaves, in WoW Insider's series of fantasy death matches. This season's duelists hail from the five-man instances of Northrend.Last week's Two Bosses Enter ... One Boss Leaves deathmatch saw King Ymiron handily dispatching Drakkari Colossus. This week, Ormorok the Tree-Shaper (The Nexus) chops down Meathook (The Culling of Stratholme), as readers dodge gameplay mechanics to really get into the swing of theorycrafting.Crowfoot sums it up (with a good geek reference, to boot): "I voted for Ormorok but think there are some real random factors in this from Ormorok. I don't think Disease Explusion would be reflectable, but the chains should bounce right off and mulch up Meathook. But is he going to reflect enough of those chains? How are the spikes going to be placed? All the same, they've both got some hard hitting abilities but advantage goes to the guy made out of rock."'Go for... its vulnerable spots!' ... 'It's a rock; it doesn't have any vulnerable spots!' -- Galaxy Quest" Vote later today in the next matchup of this season's Two Bosses Enter ... One Boss Leaves, and cheer on the five-man instance bosses of Northrend.

  • Two Bosses Enter: Ormorok the Tree-Shaper vs. Meathook

    Lisa Poisso
    Lisa Poisso

    Two Bosses Enter ... but only One Boss Leaves, in WoW Insider's series of fantasy death matches. This season's bosses come from the five-man instances of Wrath of the Lich King.Leaving Drakkari Colossus licking its wounds from Week Two's tussle with King Ymiron, Two Bosses Enter moves on to the next matchup in our current season: Ormorok the Tree-Shaper (The Nexus) versus Meathook (The Culling of Stratholme).The basics: Assume that each boss has approximately the same level, health and damage output as the other and that they're fighting in neutral territory. We're out to debate the three S's: Style, Story and Scale. Don't get caught up in game dynamics of each in-game encounter. Consider the flavor each villainous gladiator brings to bear, and cast your vote for who you think would come out on top.