

  • The 10 best Xbox exclusives (no spartans allowed)

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    We're happy to remark on the tenth anniversary of the original Xbox, but it gets a little weird when Microsoft barges into our solemn vigil with a birthday cake. This is the company that couldn't pull the plug on its muscular and costly console fast enough -- and not just because the cord was about to incinerate your house. Microsoft's rapid prudence allowed it to rein in the hardware for its next system, and to successfully transplant Xbox Live into a body now recognized for its sustainability, if not its fragility. It worked out for the business, but didn't leave much time for less popular system-exclusive games to flourish or to be found. Ironically, the Xbox commercial that drew the most ire, after it crudely launched a baby through a window and into a cemetery, proved that there can be some truth in advertising after all. "Life is short," it said, "play more." We wrongly figured it was talking about us. After the break: A list of our favorite, often overlooked Xbox games.

  • Extreme Makeover: Tenchu edition [update 1]

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Xboxyde has posted some video from Tenchu for the 360. I have to say the graphics are underwhelming. In fact, I'm hardly whelmed at all. The gameplay may end up saving the title, but I'm surprised at the poor graphic quality, especially from From Software. These guys made some of the best looking games on Xbox -- see Otogi -- but this looks decidedly last gen. Ah well, hopefully the joy of efficiently and quietly stabbing people will eclipse any graphical concerns. Speaking of graphical concerns, we seem to be having some technical difficulties this morning, hence the broken image above. I blame Ken. Update 1: apparently the image problem is specific to me. I still blame Ken.

  • Bullet Witch blows things up real good

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Xboxyde has a new and very long gameplay video from AQ Interactive's Bullet Witch. I'll say one thing: inanimate objects run in fear from the Bullet Witch. At least they would if they weren't inanimate. After the less than impressive E3 video, this one shows a much better looking game with some impressive gunplay and bigger 'splosions. The video is highly reminiscent of Otogi on the original Xbox, which isn't a bad thing at all.The game will hit Japanese shelves on July 27th. Any would be importers out there?

  • Otogi 2 offers a solid sequel for fans

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    Otogi 2: Immortal Warriors is the quintessential sequel. Bigger, better, and no surprises. The most noticeable new feature is the addition of three playable characters. However, the sequel is still plagued by many of the problems that marred the original, namely the camera. A few moves have been made to counteract the repetitive non-stop action, including more boss battles and, as previously mentioned, the ability to play as several characters. Still, FromSoftware could have done more to make this title standout. As it is, fans of the series will certainly be drooling over the brilliant visuals and hardcore action and will likely be drawn to Otogi's old school values. This is certainly a game that encourages players to re-play levels again and again (any beaten level can be played at will), as an initial run-through will only take 12 hours or so.