

  • The Queue: Trinket-Palooza 2009

    Allison Robert
    Allison Robert

    Welcome back to The Queue, WoW.com's daily Q&A column where the WoW.com team answers your questions about the World of Warcraft. Allison Robert is your hostess today again (our condolences).I'm in an autumnal sort of mood, hence today's picture. Yes, I know that Barrens trees always look like that. We got a really interesting question about trinkets the last time around that really caught my attention, so a lot of today's Queue is going to be comprised of an Enjoyable Stroll Down Memory Lane and Into Holy ^$*# Look At That Trinket From AQ40 How Has That Not Been Nerfed Yet.Starlin asks...So, what's up with Brewfest this year? Anything new or updated?Fortunately or us, Kisirani posted on this same question yesterday. To summarize, there are no major changes to the holiday, but Coren Direbrew has been updated to level 80, the mount drop rates haven't changed (nor are they now required for the Brewfest meta-achievement), and no new pets or mounts have been added. You can reasonably expect a beefed-up holiday boss with a new loot table (most likely of ilevel 200 items, possibly 219 if they want to match the gear from heroic Trial of the Champion), but otherwise the same experience as last year. I'll have an OverAchiever for the good folks seeking Brewfest achievements up on the site soon.

  • WotLK bestiary presents the Jormungar

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    The official WoTLK bestiary has been updated yet again with another of the creatures we'll be meeting in Northrend. This time, we're introduced to the Jormungar, a race of massive worms with sharp teeth capable of boring through solid rock. Apparently, they were used by the Nerubians as slave labor to hew out their massive subterranean empire. However, when that empire fell to the Scourge, the Jormungar broke free, and now run rampant, drilling through the permafrost and destroying everything in their path. It seems likely that the worms themselves are named after the Norse mythological figure Jormungandr, a child of the trickster god Loki, also known as the the World Serpent who surrounds the Earth. In the end times of Ragnarok, he will kill Thor (although Thor will kill him first). Now really, you know that anything bad enough to kill Thor himself is something you have to take notice of, so if these Jormungar are even half as strong as their namesake, it looks like we could have a lot of trouble with them. Maybe we should look to the old massive sandworm Ouro (whose name is likely a homage to another mythical serpent, the Ouroboros), to give us some idea of what we might be facing. [via MMO Champion]

  • More Ahn'Qiraj Changes

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    The Ouro encounter has been hotfixed to "bring the encounter closer to the intended difficulty."  Expect the following changes the next time you encounter Ouro: Ouro's "uptime" will be increased before submerging. The scarab damage is being reduced. The cooldown between Sandblasts has been increased. Perhaps this means we will also soon be seeing a world first for Ouro.Update: Fixed spelling for "Ouro."  Conspiracy theories abound regarding Tigole's interesting "Ouru" spelling.

  • Ahn'Qiraj Bosses Hotfixed

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Two of the most difficult bosses in Ahn'Qiraj - C'thun and Ouro, neither of whom have yet been defeated - have both been hotfixed to make the encounters (presumably!) less difficult.  With major PVE raiding guilds on the verge of giving up on the buggy C'thun encounter (see Death and Taxes and Elitist Jerks for examples), CM Drysc posted regarding changes to both encounters.  If you approach either of these two bosses in the future expect the following: Ouro's Quake effects deal significantly less damage Lowered hit points for C'thun's Giant Claw Tentacles and Giant Eye Tentacles Decreased damage from C'thun's Ground Rupture ability, which should also now be resistible Significantly decreased melee damage from C'thun's Giant Eye Tentacles The faction changing debuff applied to players in C'thun's stomach should no longer appear Tentacles should no longer spawn in C'thun's stomach A player in C'thun's stomach can no longer be the target of C'thun's Eye Beam Will this be enough to encourage disheartened guilds who have been wiping for over a month on the C'thun encounter?  This seems the way of many of the game's major bosses thus far...  Ragnaros was impossible, until the encounter was tweaked by Blizzard.  Nefarian was impossible, until the encounter was tweaked by Blizzard.  Does it surprise anyone that C'thun is impossible in the same way?[Thanks to Wreckless and Dave for contributing links]