

  • The Daily Grind: What do you expect from an MMO one year later?

    Brooke Pilley
    Brooke Pilley

    Frank over at Overly Positive wrote a blog post about Warhammer Online's time capsule project. Basically, a year ago, a bunch of forumites over at Warhammer Alliance wrote down their collective hopes and dreams about the game and stored them in a time capsule post to be opened up a year later. He comments: "It's interesting to see a lot of people feeling very idealistic about WAR's prospects – many of the opinions in the thread are ones that frankly would belong in this blog. Three million subscribers? WoW toppled from its perch? Sixty servers? It warms my already sunny heart to the core."This got us wondering: What do you expect from an MMO one year later? Are you full of optimism and ideals? Are you cynical? Do you sit on the fence by remaining cautiously optimistic? MMOs have come a long way since the late 1990s with releases getting smoother and smoother. On the flip side, competition is increasing exponentially. Have MMOs become much too hard to predict nowadays or have we been around the block enough times to spot the diamonds in the rough?

  • New WAR dev interviews have a slightly different tone

    Brooke Pilley
    Brooke Pilley

    MMO studios are often chided, if not outright derided, for sounding as though their words are being translated by a public relations or marketing babel fish. Fans must commonly navigate on-message superlatives while trying to seek out nuggets of real information. Mythic Entertainment has never been entirely immune to this, especially during their Warhammer Online pre-launch communications.Frank of the the Overly Positive blog recently picked up a slight change in tone from the WAR developers though. In a series of interviews with Gaar, it seems as though they are cutting through the marketing-speak and discussing things plainly and openly. Some might claim that it's too little too late or that Mythic has finally come to terms with their current situation, however, few can argue that it isn't a breath of fresh air and a step in the right direction. Step One is to admit there is a problem, right?As for what you'll learn from the interviews themselves, there's actually quite a bit. Josh Drescher shines some light on Mythic's thought process moving forward with the game and Nate Levy explains some of the issues the Combat & Careers team are dealing with specifically.