

  • Oh, hey -- Painkiller: Resurrection released

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    So here we were, thinking about how odd it was that a demo for Painkiller: Resurrection stealthily released onto the intertron last week after hearing nothing about the game for, oh, like six months, when all of a sudden we noticed that the full game is also now available. In fact, the release was so secretive, even the game's official site doesn't know you can't pre-order it anymore. You can grab it for yourself on Steam for $29.99 right now or if you want to save $10 -- and don't mind a disc case taking up space on your shelf -- you can grab it for $19.99 from Amazon.

  • Painkiller franchise resurrected, Painkiller: Resurrection revealed

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    If you played the original Painkiller, a 2004 FPS which won Joystiq's coveted "Best Game of Every Year, Ever" award™ for its inclusion of the electric shuriken gun, you'll be pleased to know that publisher JoWood Productions and developer Homegrown Games are teaming up to crank out another installment in the Hell-fightin' franchise, titled Painkiller: Resurrection.This time around, you'll be playing as Wild Bill Sherman, a CIA assassin whose brutal line of work garners him a one-way ticket to Purgatory, where he'll likely adhere demons to flat surfaces with stakes, which he will probably shoot from a gun. The game will include the same multiplayer modes as previous Painkiller titles while adding a co-op campaign, allowing for electric shuriken griefing. For more details, we suggest checking out IGN's preview.[Via Big Download]