

  • WRUP: It's like there's this Panda thing happening

    Michael Gray
    Michael Gray

    Welcome to WRUP, where we tell you what our intrepid staff is playing each weekend. We lead it off with whatever witty commentary comes to mind... or we blather on about something. Either way, we lead off every week with about 100 words before you get to the important stuff: the staff's Twitter handles. Once upon a time, we got a nice mixture of different games each weekend. You'd ask the staff "WRUP?" and they'd answered with consoles, PC games, and even some physical outdoor activities. Now, there's this whole Panda and baby theme running throughout the staff. Clearly, if you work at WoW Insider, you're going to end up pregnant or a panda. P is involved no matter what you do. For added bonus, we asked what the best thing about MoP was so far. That image comprise's most of Joe's answer. Adam Holisky (@adamholisky) Dungeon running for our first raid next Tuesday. Can't wait! Also pet battles... my god they're fun. The best part has to be the overall experience. I've never felt like there's too much to do in WoW before, but now, there is just an absolute ton at end game to enjoy. Allison Robert (@AllisonRobert) I'm probably going to be playing Clean the Basement more than anything else this weekend, but any WoW play time is likely to be devoted to gearing my druid for, and in, heroics. Spare time is likely to be spent on archaeology or rep grinds. Best part of MoP? There are so many good things -- my farm, pet battles, the sheer beauty of the world -- but if I had to boil it down to something, it's the opportunity not to be a hero for a bit. Sometimes it's really nice to just slow down and help someone with their vegetable patch or love life.