

  • Android Phone Name Generator launches HTC Bionic Plus 3D E, Motorola Vigor Optimus Prime+

    Zach Honig
    Zach Honig

    Checking the front porch every few minutes for your Sony Ericsson Charge Vibrant G2? Or perhaps you've fallen for the HTC Mesmerize Vivid Prime (you know, that Super HAMOLED++ 4K tablet running Android 9.3 Snickerdoodle). Sure, those game-changing Android devices may not exist in physical form, but they did become a reality in Yinzcam's brilliant Android Phone Name Generator -- created for your amusement, and perhaps the industry's top marketing geniuses. Want to try your hand at creating the world's next week-long smartphone fad? Hit up the source link again and again and again, then share your results in the comments. The Acer Rezound Vivid One G1 X2 launches in 3, 2...

  • Conan O'Brien blasts Final Cut Pro X

    Dave Caolo
    Dave Caolo

    Apple released Final Cut Pro X this week. Despite the price drop, many users were disappointed with this version, and others were downright upset. Heck, even host Conan O'Brien blasted the software on his late-night TV show. Conan notes that this update is "so different," that editors are having trouble adjusting. He then shows a parody video that his team assembled using the new version of Final Cut. Hilarity ensues (depending on your perspective). When a late-night talk show parodies high-end video editing software that most of its audience does not use, said software is either really, really good or ... well, you know. [Via 9to5]

  • Found Footage: Grandma gets an iPad

    David Winograd
    David Winograd

    After spending years trying, failing and trying again to teach a number of mature Apple users how to use various Apple products, I got a kick out of this video. It's funny because it's true, and it also shows that there are some less than optimum uses for an iPad. This iPad parody was made as a school project for a Comm 340 class. I think you'll get a chuckle out of it on this late Friday afternoon. Thanks Justin for sending it in.

  • Music from iPhone ads now available - get working on those YouTube parodies

    David Chartier
    David Chartier

    In addition to that wonderful iFuntastic app that allows you to add ringtones and rearrange your iPhone's apps (even after this week's 1.0.1 software update), iPhone Alley has also made available what is sure to become a staple of iPhone culture and parodies the world over: the 'official' music from the iPhone TV ads. After doing some digging, iPhone Alley's Michael Johnston found the song used in the ad - Perfect Timing by Orba Squara (iTS link) - so he chopped out what sounds like the exact portion and made it available for download. Head over to the iPhone Alley post for more info and to download a copy - then get to work on those YouTube parodies!

  • Invisible bikes in Mario Kart parody are really funny

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    We've seen some Mario Kart parodies in our time, but this one is by far the best. It was created for a Harley-Davidson contest in conjunction with the University of California. The amount of polish on this video causes us to think it took very long to make and therefore deserves to win.Head past the break to watch the video. Just be careful you aren't sipping anything while you watch it.

  • WoW Moviewatch: The Simpsons spoof WoW

    Amanda Rivera
    Amanda Rivera

    I recently saw this clip on You Tube and was giggling for a full ten minutes. Have you ever had the experience of playing online with your parents? I bought my parents the 10-day trial of WoW, and they took the disc, thanked me greatly, and proceeded to never install the program. In any case, check out what Groening does with World of Warcraft. My personal favorite is Dr. Nick. Previously on WoW Moviewatch

  • Found Footage: SNL - Post-It-Notes

    David Chartier
    David Chartier

    It's always nice to see Apple parodies, especially when they: a) have nothing to do with an existing product, or specifically: the iPod, and b) are from the mid-90's. This is a decent SNL spoof that quickly rose up the digg ranks yesterday evening, parodying a fictitious Apple product that's a bit too much disposable overkill for its own good. Enjoy.[via digg]