

  • What you can do to prepare for patch 5.0.4 tonight

    Matthew Rossi
    Matthew Rossi

    So you're all excited for patch 5.0.4, but you're also a little nervous. Yes, I do have cameras in your home. No, you'll never find them. You can stop looking now -- especially you, Miriam. Also, don't be nervous. We here at WoW Insider are here to help you prepare for patch 5.0.4 and also any alien invasions of green-skinned beings from another dimension that may take place. Note: We probably won't be of much use on the alien invasion front, but we can help you with the patch 5.0.4 preparations. Things you can do: Get ready for your addons to break. You may not be able to update them if they're not updated and uploaded before the patch, but you can check our article on which addons are already ready, or check your favorite addon sites for updates before logging in Tuesday. This will save you time and effort. Check on your currencies. If you intend to go on a spending spree tomorrow, you might want to cap your honor and justice points tonight, because any valor and conquest points that convert tomorrow will stack above the cap, giving you more points for your initial spending. Your undergeared shadow priest could be in 397 gear much sooner than you thought. And don't buy anything for currencies today, since it's all going on the JP/honor vendors tomorrow. Get ready for a profession surge. People will need new glyphs, new enchants and gems for the gear they'll be buying with JPs and honor, and many potentially will have decided to level a new profession before Mists. You should get your auctions lined up and ready to go for tomorrow. Go shopping today. Some stuff is going to be a lot more expensive. You might want to stockpile enchant mats, glyphs, even gems. Disenchant your relic/ranged slot items for melee. Most of these items are going to turn to grey vendor trash tomorrow, so if you want to get a shard for them instead of some gold, DE them today. Wands will still be usable, and hunters can equip melee weapons for looks but not for actual use (melee who can use bows/guns now will be able to equip those for looks as well -- but again, not for use), but relics and throwing weapons will be no more. Check on your hit/expertise or spell hit. These stats are changing in patch 5.0.4. Hunters will now need expertise, and it will convert to spell hit as well. Since there are no new dungeons, the Theramore scenarios will not launch, and we're not getting new levels yet, you won't have to worry about that. Remember, stay calm -- things will be copacetic.