

  • MacTech's 25 most influential, version 2007

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    MacTech has released their MacTech 25 for the second year in a row-- it's a list of the top 25 most influential people in the Mac community (as selected by the community itself), and it reads like a who's who of people doing great stuff : John Gruber, the suave-looking Aaron Hillegass and Brent Simmons all make return appearances. This year they chose everyone who's ever programmed for MarsEdit (as Daniel Jalkut is happy to say), not to mention both co-founders of Rogue Ameoba, Paul Kafasis and Alex Lagutin.Who's missing? Anyone from Apple-- MacTech specifically left them off the list to make sure they didn't hog the Spotlight, so to speak. They say that Apple employees are allowed to be put in the Honorable Mentions section, but as far as I can tell, while Leo Laporte, David Pogue and Merlin Mann all made it, no one from Apple actually did. Better get cracking on those influencing techniques for next year, guys.

  • TUAW Interview series with Paul Kafasis: The Leopard delay - does it change anything?

    David Chartier
    David Chartier

    The interview series with developers on Apple's delay of Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard has gone really well, with great responses from Brent Simmons and Wil Shipley already offering insight into the mind and perspective of a developer. Next up to the plate is Paul Kafasis of Rogue Amoeba, makers of such apps as Fission, AirFoil and Audio Hijack Pro. I never realized that Paul apparently does most of his coding from his beach-side manor (I kid, of course), but I nevertheless was thankful that he took the time out of his day to offer his take on Leopard's delay, backwards compatibility and whether Apple should open up the Apple TV and iPhone to 3rd party goodness. Paul offers some great thoughts on all this and more, along with some choice advise for budding developers. Read on for my interview with Paul Kafasis on whether Leopard's delay changes anything for the state of Apple.

  • Rogue Amoeba's Paul Kafasis at Infinite Loop

    Mat Lu
    Mat Lu

    According to Paul Kafasis of Rogue Amoeba, about the same time as he sat down with our very own David Chartier for TUAW Podcast #18, he also gave an interesting interview to the good folks over at Ars Tehnica's Infinite Loop. They talk about Rogue Amoeba's focus on audio, the controversy our own Laurie Duncan helped to start over what Paul dubbed The Delicious Generation, and more. So if you haven't already, first go listen to the podcast then check out the interview and you'll have more than met your recommended daily allowance of cool Mac audio developer news.

  • TUAW Podcast #18: Macworld interview with Brent Simmons and Paul Kafasis

    David Chartier
    David Chartier

    On Friday of last week at Macworld 07, Brent Simmons (of NewsGator/ NetNewsWire/ MarsEdit fame) and Paul Kafasis (of Rogue Amoeba/Audio Hijack/Airfoil fame) were kind enough to unite their powers and sit down with me for an interview. For just over 20 minutes we discussed Macworld, the iPhone, the state of Mac OS X, being a developer, whether competition or web services are slowing them down and a whole lot more. The interview turned out great, but the audio needed a little cleanup. My XtremeMac MicroMemo usually does a good recording job with my iPod, but we did the interview in the large press room hall at Macworld so it picked up some background noise. It sounds pretty good now (thanks Mike!), and it should be a good listen for anyone interested in a perspective on the state of Apple and their products from two influential 3rd party developers.This TUAW Podcast #18 weighs in at just under 21MB, and can be had from this direct link, our iTunes Store Podcast directory or our own podcast RSS feed. Enjoy.P.S. - On a related note, our TUAW podcast is now listed in the digg podcast directory. Why not head over and show some love by digging our podcast and your favorite individual episodes?

  • Rogue Amoeba begins "Should I Exhibit At Macworld?" blogging series

    David Chartier
    David Chartier

    Paul Kafasis of Rogue Amoeba has kicked off a new series at their company blog titled Should I Exhibit At Macworld?, breaking down the finer yet lesser-known details of how much it really costs software developers to exhibit at Macworld. This first post examines the various significant and hidden costs of appearing at the Apple event to end all Apple events, including: travel, cab fair, internet access, pressing trial CDs and, of course, the big whopper: the actual booth or kiosk itself. Some of these costs might sound like pocket change to some, but Paul tallies everything up and - considering what the Moscone Center charges for some of these things ($1095 for 4 days of internet access on the floor makes even the $12/day I paid in the hotel look appetizing) - offers a good checklist that can act as a guiding light to some, or a ton-o'-bricks reality check for others. Stay tuned for the other three parts of this series, as Paul foreshadows where he'll take it with this first post.