personality test


  • Researchers can profile Facebook users to a 'T' with just their likes

    Steve Dent
    Steve Dent

    Remember the time you liked a beer pong video on Facebook and thought nothing more of it? That may have said more about you than your friends and family ever knew, according to researchers at Cambridge and Stanford. They created a computer program that sifted through the Facebook likes of over 85,000 users to see if a person's preferences could rat out their true persona. The team used certain associations that seem fairly obvious; for instance, liking tattoos means you're more likely to drink alcohol. Others were more bizarre: apparently, people who like curly fries tend to be intelligent. Who knew?

  • Wings Over Atreia: Top 10 of 2010

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    It's the end of the year, and although many are in food- and good-cheer-induced comas, we will still drag ourselves to the keyboard to delve into Aion. Why? Because we enjoy our game. And maybe, just maybe, there is a smattering of addiction in there. I'm not judging, mind you, as I also logged some holiday time with a shugo! Many things have happened throughout the year, and this Daeva has flown about, soaking up the news and activities, in order to report them back to you. From the sweeping changes of three major patches (expansions, updates -- whatever you choose to call them) adding content, removing content, and re-adding content (*cough* rifting *cough*), to holiday events, to everyday life in Atreia, 2010 has had its ups and downs, with a variety of twists and turns thrown in. The year certainly cannot be called uneventful. And in true end-of-the-year count-down style, I am going to rattle off my top 10 favorite columns of Aion tidbits. So what columns made the cut? Grab a noisemaker and shimmy on past the break to see which were my favorites as well as share yours in the comments!

  • Choosing between Order and Destruction in Warhammer Online

    James Egan
    James Egan

    Have you decided what you're going to play in Warhammer Online? In the days leading up to the game's launch, some of us already have a good idea of which class we'll play (like "all"). Prima Official Game Guides is getting ready for the Warhammer Online launch as well, with a class quiz that asks, "In the War between Order and Chaos, what role will you play?" To help answer that question, or just to help show you some of the possibilities in Warhammer Online, they've got a short personality test that shows how well a given character choice fits you.Some of us at Massively guess that the majority of players will choose Destruction when Warhammer Online launches, but there's definitely something to be said for the white hats as well. The quiz result is pretty much a foregone conclusion, but it's a nice distraction from work or while you wait for access to the game a bit later this month. We'd wager that most who take the personality test simply choose the most twisted answers possible (we did), but give it a shot and see what comes up. Did you enjoy this? Make sure to check out all of our previous Warhammer Online features, and don't miss any of our ongoing coverage as Massively goes to WAR!

  • New fan resource center for EQII is live

    William Dobson
    William Dobson

    SOE's website has launched a new Fan Resource Center for EverQuest II. So exactly what kind of resources will a fan find there? A visit to the site shows that a glut of screenshots, videos, game art, wallpapers, and even Myspace themes are available for perusing and using. There is a section that provides links to the EQ2Players Character/Guild/Item searches, some other useful websites, and a featured website with a short description of a current article.Also on offer from the main page is an EQII personality test, which aims to discern which character class fits you the best. I turned out to be a Wizard, which is actually a class I will rarely get into in an MMO, but the questions were a bit of fun anyway. Try it out for yourself when you check out all the fancy media up for grabs.