

  • Patch 5.2 PTR: Triple turkey stack gobbled by pet battle crowd control nerf

    Kristin Marshall
    Kristin Marshall

    Now that MoP has been out for a few months, I find myself enjoying pet battles far more than I thought I would. That being said, it was only a matter of time before griefing made its way into this part of the game as well -- even if it is by turkeys. Yes, turkeys. It all started with the rather harmless sounding "Triple Turkey." Unfortunately, it's not a sandwich I can nom on, but is instead something much more sinister in the world of pet battles. The Triple Turkey comp quickly became the flavor of the month for trolls in PvP pet battles, using abusing the irritating Food Coma ability to the max. If you've never encountered it before, Food Coma puts the opponent to sleep for two rounds, on a five round cooldown. But that cooldown only applies to the turkey who casts it. So, we were left with creative individuals who would use Food Coma, swap to a second turkey, use Food Coma, swap, and so on.

  • Breakfast Topic: What's your Pet Battle team?

    Olivia Grace
    Olivia Grace

    What's your team? You know what I mean, the team you've made that you're proud of, the one you lead out with, the one you'd play all the time if it worked in every match-up. The one you're going to level first to 25. And, of course, what are they called? You can see my hastily formed team of Blizzard CMs in the header image, with the lovely Bashiok, Zarhym and Crithto rallying to take on my foes. This was in their early days. They're much more mighty now! Pokémon never really much appealed to me, so I'm not overly familiar with the whole format of this. Are there certain combos you're particularly likely to succeed with? Are your teams tactical or just adorable? I've obviously gone with the latter rather than the former, but what about you? Why are those pets your team? Do link us to screenshots in the comments, if there are any ones that really appeal, we'll tell you all about them in a future article!

  • Lichborne: Passing time until Pandaria on your death knight

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    Every week, WoW Insider brings you Lichborne for blood, frost, and unholy death knights. In the post-Cataclysm era, death knights are no longer the new kids on the block. Let's show the other classes how a hero class gets things done. With a release date finally forthcoming for Mists of Pandaria, we have less than two months until the expansion drops and even less time until we reach patch 5.0.4. With all that in mind, how do you pass the time until then? This week, we'll take a look at a few things death knights can do to look and feel their best when the expansion drops. Solo to swell your stables Soloing is a time-honored death knight tradition, and with the expansion winding down, it's the perfect way to pass the time. When choosing your soloing target, you may factor in nostalgia, transmogrification needs, or just plain ease of access. Another popular reason is grabbing mounts and pets. In the Cataclysm era, both Vortex Pinnacle and The Stonecore normal modes drop a mount. Soloing same-level dungeons can be a bit hairy, but considering these two were in the game at the start of the expansion, you should find that even with Dragon Soul raid finder gear, you'll barely break a sweat in blood spec. As a bonus, both of these mounts will be going account-wide in Mists of Pandaria, so you'll be grabbing some possible stylish mount options for your alts as well.