

  • Enslaved DLC trailer explores Pigsy's motives

    Ben Gilbert
    Ben Gilbert

    If it wasn't clear why everyone says Enslaved: Odyssey to the West has great voice acting, the latest trailer for its upcoming DLC, starring the game's playable sidekick Pigsy, shows it off at its best. Head past the break to see for yourself.

  • Enslaved DLC announced, stars side character Pigsy

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    If you thought Trip and Monkey's journey to the west would be a tireless survival mission ... you're probably right. Thankfully, the stars of Enslaved can enjoy Pigsy's comic relief along the way. Namco Bandai describes Pigsy (pictured) as a "comical porcine character" -- the big dude with the rad belt buckle -- and has revealed that he will star in a post-launch DLC episode for the game. The publisher offers few additional tidbits about the premium add-on, noting simply that it will be a side story requiring the retail game to play. More details are expected in "the coming months."