

  • Wings Over Atreia: Coming soon -- Crucible III

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Look Pa! It's rainin' patches! In the midst of Daevas gorging themselves on festivities and goodies galore, NCsoft tossed out another juicy bit of information that might have been lost in the frenzy: Patch 2.7 will release on October 19, 2011. "Wait a minute!" you say, with second-anniversary cake dribbling from your mouth. "Didn't Aion just have a recent patch?" Aye folks, that it did! This patch will actually be the third in only a five-month span. Color me hopeful, but it certainly looks like someone was listening when I requested more frequent content updates. And I have to say I am pleased! Giving players more options only helps stave off boredom and retain players. From new instances (3rd Crucible, Padmarashka's Cave) to reductions in DP costs and skill cooldown timers, there are enough little goodies to keep Daevas entertained until the -- dare I hope not too long in coming -- next update. So what does Aion have in store for us this time around? Join me past the cut for a look at the the upcoming changes.

  • Wings Over Atreia: Meeting the (Crucible) Challenge

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Can 15 minutes a day really save you more crucible insignia? Is LFG infested with trolls? Last week we touched on the newest addition to Aion's solo instance family, the Crucible Challenge. Although we mentioned that this instance was slightly misnamed (most classes can successfully complete it with one skill bar tied behind their back), that doesn't mean it isn't worthwhile! On the contrary, as with the daily quests, it is nice to have something you can accomplish in just a few minutes a day while still getting closer to meeting a goal. Whether you are trying to coax a platinum medal out of your Runaway Poppy or just collecting insignias for an eternal-grade weapon, fancy new threads, or a pet, just a few minutes a day guarantees progress. How often can you say that? For those who haven't yet had the opportunity to check this instance out, this week will guide you through the nuts and bolts of it. And for those who just want to maximize their experience, I will toss in a few tips and tricks to zip you through. Are you up to the challenge? Zone in past the cut to begin!%Gallery-130584%

  • Wings Over Atreia: And 2.6 came to pass...

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Not as heralded as its companions that came before, Aion's patch 2.6 hit North American servers this past Wednesday. But just because it wasn't cool enough for its own name (like Assault on Balaurea or even Empyrean Calling) doesn't mean it is without some goodies of its own. Granted, the patch isn't an Atreia-shattering deluge of content, but as I have stated previously, adding small chunks of content more frequently is better for keeping players interested and engaged in the game. And besides, 2.6 is one step closer to 3.0! This patch introduced a solo version of the Empyrean Crucible for your crucible-insignia-hording pleasure, a new auto-group feature, some UI changes, a new pet, skill tweaks, and other assorted tidbits. This past weekend I experienced as many aspects of the new patch as I could in order to bring you a peek at life after the patch. Is Stormwing really easier to beat? Can you really get platinum medals from the pet? How challenging is the Challenge? For the answers to these and more, join me past the break.