

  • Podcast Rodeo for June 24: E.A.R.

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    Aww, snap. The Ro-to-the-deo feels just terrible. Not only did we take a week off, we also neglected to give a link to someone who mentioned us on the podcast, which, much like telling a waiter at Chili's it's your birthday, is a guaranteed way to get a freebie.So, we're sorry, GFW Radio, it's been corrected. We hope that our two nations can now live together in peace. You should absolutely go listen to GFW this week, there's a rap battle, you'll love it. Here's a tip to everyone else though, if you give the shout out, let us know when you do and where in the podcast it's located. Sometimes we go through the Wendy's drive thru and we may turn the radio down, and you don't want to miss your moment in the sun because of a Frosty, do you? More picks after the jump.

  • Podcast Rodeo for June 10: There's A Tear in My Ear

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    As you can see, the old man died tragically in a fire, sacrificing not only his life but his bitchin' Grados for a stock clip art iPod in the blaze. But hey, the Rodeo continues to bravely soldier on without him. Audio ahoy! The Weekly Geek: We were originally going to write something mean about TWG after host Chris complained about being not included in the Rodeo. Infuriatingly though, we ended up really liking the show, spoiling our plans entirely. If you like to hear grown men ranting about Shrek, we think you'll like it too. Press Start: After an extended absence, Ky-Ky Baby (Mr. Orland if you're nasty) and his harem of two game experts talk about the slow decline of the retail games industry. To some of you? A relief. To the more materialistic of you? An 18:48 horror show. Listen at your own peril.

  • Podcast Rodeo for June 3: Eared Science

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    Much to your chagrin, the old man is back, and he will continue to be back until we go one week without someone commenting on his whoop-tushie headphones. Podcasts. Dig 'em.BitCast: It's like Bits Bytes Pixels Sprites that you read with your ears! The only difference this week is that they've temporarily done away with the Canadian that normally resides on their program. We're notoriously xenophobic here at Joystiq, so that's good enough reason for us to link them. Also, one of the guys sounds exactly like Kevin Bacon.CAG Cast: The First Rule of Podcast Rodeo©: You do talk about Podcast Rodeo. Second rule: If you do, we will probably totally link to you. This CAG Cast is good, but it gets especially good at about 8:58. Oh, and if you were curious, the third rule is "no shirt, no shoes," which I don't even fully understand.

  • Podcast Rodeo for May 27: From ear to eternity

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    So, if you're traveling this weekend, you've probably already left. But if not, we've got some audio to make the time go by a little quicker. Or, if you're listening to the smooth, mellow, honey-dipped tones of the Joystiq Podcast -- a little sexier.CAG Cast: For the first time, Cheapy D and Wombat are totally live on their newest podcast, where they play Name that Videogame Tune and even take a few calls. Well, they're not live when you listen to it, but they were live when they recorded it. That's not to say they're not still alive, because we're pretty sure they are. But, we guess it's possible that they're not. So, you know, listen while you can.

  • Podcast Rodeo for May 20: Ear's Johnny

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    This week at the P-Cast Ranch, game audio had to compete for ear time with the release of a new They Might Be Giants album. Was it tough to find the time? You bet. Was it worth it to help our beloved readers out? Yes, yes, 1,000 times, yes.Downloadable Content: As many of you have pointed out, the Penny Arcade guys have taken much more regular breaks from earning mad coin to record their podcast. Here, Gabe does battle with V.Smile and (as near as we can tell) is defeated.

  • Podcast Rodeo for May 13: Mutinear

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    Hey, it's time for the Podcast Rodeo once more. This is the very special episode where we learn a little something about ourselves. Hopefully, you'll come with us on this very emotional journey.1UP Show: The show returns for the summer with a hot new theme song, Odin Sphere video, a preview of Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings and tons of stuff on Team Fortress 2, which still looks incredible. Gamers With Jobs Conference Call: The old, old men of GWJ celebrate their 30th episode with special guest star Big Huge Games' Brian Reynolds talking about the making of Catan. Also, there's some interesting discussion of the debacle, if you've not yet grown tired of the topic.

  • Podcast Rodeo for April 28: Your Ear ... Is Mine!

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    In this, the premiere edition of the Podcast Rodeo, we save you time by trolling the podcast ocean, bringing the freshest catches to your table and then running a knife across the length of their bellies, spilling their guts for your pleasure. Enjoy.GFW Radio: Just listen to the first two minutes. You can thank us later. 1UP Yours: This week on 1UP Yours, Luke Smith records his last episode of the show before he stuffs his objectivity into a man cannon, shoots it into the sun and spins madly as dollar bills with Master Chief's face on them fall in a shower from the sky. Farewell, Luke!Chatterbox: Fresh from a triumphant visit to the Joystiq Podcast, Chatterbox wins the official "You're Late to the Party" award by complaining about King Kong: The Movie: The Game for the 360. Playing the game was apparently just an act of desperation in pursuit of that accursed Old Spice Gamer Picture, which holds within it not only a fresh scent, but the power to drive men mad.